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Labeled With  stranglehold xbox360 midway
Written by DM on Monday, October 01 2007

The weapons in the game really do not vary much, and you can only carry two different guns at once. When you find the two that you prefer, you will mainly be using those when you can find them. I recommend the assault rifle and the sub machine gun/Uzi. If you prefer though, there is also shotguns, heavy machine guns, and even a rocket launcher for you to use. Rarely, you can even pickup the golden handguns, which are basically a super-powerful pair of Berettas which can kill most enemies with one shot. Something to mention at this point is that even on the easiest difficulty setting, you will run out of ammo frequently. This seems counter-productive in a game where all you do is use said ammunition, but you will find yourself backtracking many times just to pickup more rounds. If you are a purist, you will just keep the dual Beretta handguns that you start the game with, as these are Tequila’s weapons of choice. One thing that the developers did right was to forgo reloading. Yup, you read right, there is a very minimal reloading sequence, if any, which is great, because any pause in Stranglehold seriously affects the action. Besides, if you had to stop to hit a reload button, chances are you would be dead before the magazine hit the ground.

As I mentioned earlier, the game has a feature called Tequila-time, the game’s name for bullet time. Tequila’s TT meter recharges by itself over time, and you will find yourself using it till it is empty during almost every gunfight. In addition to this special power, Tequila has access to a quartet of “Tequila Bombs,” which are special abilities that unlock as you progress through the game. The D-pad activates these powers, and you will find yourself using the regenerate health power, the first one you obtain, most frequently. The other powers are precision aim, which is basically a super-zoom feature you can use with almost any gun. When you activate this power you have a few seconds to line up and fire a shot and then watch as the game cinematically tracks the bullet right through the target. It is pretty satisfying, when you do not miss, that is. The third power you unlock is the bullet barrage. If you use this power Tequila will cram as many bullets into the current weapon as he can fit, then he will cram in some more, and give you about 30 seconds of powered-up, sped-up, invincibility. You can literally lay waste to everything around you without fear of death or ammo, and on top of everything it is done in true Woo cinematic fashion. I personally did not use this power much, but it is a real killer if you get the hang of it. The last power is the spin smart bomb. This power requires the most to use, and basically Tequila spins in a circle and kills everyone on the screen automatically.

The way you can use these powers is by using your “stars.” How can you obtain stars, you ask? Well, the easiest way is to kill your enemies with the most flare and style possible. In the game, since there is no jump, the left trigger is your action button, primarily. Almost any object you are standing near can be hopped up on or pushed over and jumped on to and then used as a platform to kill from. In fact, you can even hop on to a dinner cart and roll and kill your way through an entire ballroom. The more creative a kill you perform, the more stars you obtain. In fact, you can even get stars just by activating Tequila time and shooting everything that moves. It is not hard to build up stars, and as a tip from me to you, make sure you use the second power, the zoom shot, on all bosses. It will take them out faster than any other method.

The control system in the game is fairly straightforward, with the right stick controlling the aim and the left stick controlling motion. It should become second nature to you in no time. As I said as well, most objects you are near will light up with a white glow when you can utilize them in some fashion, which also brings me to one of the drawbacks of this game. The object interaction is fairly buggy. You will find yourself getting frustrated when you try to hop up on a banister only to find that you have to be in the exact correct spot or else you end up diving back on to the floor. You can imagine how crappy that must be when you are not facing a hail of bullets. Well, nine times out of ten, you will be doing it during a hail of bullets. All you do is tap the left trigger, which is the action/auto Tequila Time button, and the Woo-style slow motion goodness begins, when all goes right, that is. Beyond that, there is not much else to control, the regular pad buttons are seldom used other than to progress the story, interact with objects, or switch weapons.

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