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Labeled With  stranglehold xbox360 midway
Written by DM on Monday, October 01 2007

One thing I do want to mention is that I was surprised at how many features of the environment in Stranglehold were destructible and/or interactive. If you look for any objects painted in the classic yellow and black construction colors, you can likely shoot it and cause major structural damage for your enemies. It is just another one of the Woo-isms that make the game a worthy thing to carry the director’s name.

The graphics in the game are fairly impressive, but you have to keep in mind, when you make as much of the environment interactive as the developers did with Stranglehold, something else has to suffer. Well, that turned out to be the frame rate and enemy AI. The AI in the game is mainly programmed in cannon fodder mode, as much as I hate to admit it. They will run into bullets from time to time, and some will even kill their own teammates. Not to mention there are only a few enemy character models, so get used to the ones you see on the first few maps, you will be seeing them again. As I said the frame rate also suffers. During big gunfights you will notice dips, but to be honest it was not as big of dip as I would have thought, so that is a spot of good news. Also if you take into account that there are always at least a dozen or so enemies on screen at once, the technical aspect of doing so must have been a serious hump to overcome. It is just a shame that the game never really has the graphical wow factor that a Gears of War or Halo 3 does, it would have added another level to an already good game.

One more thing we must talk about is the camera. While many have said that the camera in Stranglehold is something to complain about, I must say that I did not find it such a big problem. You have to control the camera yourself, and I can understand how this is challenging for some, especially during a fast-paced game like Stranglehold, but you can set the camera to a “camera spring” mode in the options, which seems to lessen the issue considerably.

Not content to leave well enough alone, there is one more Woo-ism that Stranglehold includes, and that is the classic multi-gun stand-off. Sometimes, during play, a mini-game will activate where Tequila has to face 3, 4, 5, or more enemies at one time who have more or less surrounded him. Of course, Tequila would never simply give up and die, so we must take all these punks out, and so we will! The way this mini-game works is fairly simple actually. With the left stick, you make Tequila sift left or right to avoid the incoming bullets, and with the right stick, you align a targeting reticule right at the shooter’s head and pull the trigger. It is straight out of the Matrix, folks, and it is a lot of fun. Once you get the hang of it you will wise more mini-game sequences were included, although the last few are extremely difficult.

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