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GamersReporting Weekly - February 27, 2008

Labeled With  gamersreporting
Written by DM on Wednesday, February 27 2008

Now that I have more or less given you the entire GR backstory, we can get to the real point of GamersReporting Weekly -- what exactly we are playing this week. I can start by telling you that I am a sucker for a good Japanese style shooter, and there just happens to be a great one released this week. Today, in fact, a game called Triggerheart Exelica appeared on the Xbox Live Arcade, and it is a fantastic remake of a classic Japanese scrolling shooter. It is not too hard and not too difficult, and the settings can be adjusted if need be. I also downloaded the XNA launcher, and I have to tell you, if you have not been able to check out the homemade XNA games yet, then you should before the games expire in about 10 days or so. Some of the games fall flat for sure, but some of the XNA games, The Dishwasher for instance, have a tremendous amount of potential.

Do we favor the Xbox360? I cannot tell you how many times me and GR get asked that question. In fact, most do not even ask, most just accuse. No, of course we do not favor one system over the other professionally. The simple fact is though that the Xbox360 is hot right now. It has a ton of games coming out, it has Xbox Live, and it is probably the most accessible of all the home consoles at the moment. The Playstation 3 is a great system though, I happen to love the PS3 hardware myself, I use it as a Blu-Ray player for my home theater, and remote play using the PSP is one of the best features I have ever seen implemented in a console. Unfortunately, when we receive games for review from publishers, we are forced to choose just one platform version, and this means Xbox360 nine times out of ten. I digress though, I just wanted to get that info out there before I went on to say that on the Wii I am currently playing No More Heroes.

NMH on the Wii is a great game that I recommend anyone who enjoys a good action game pick up. The game is a bit out there, don’t get me wrong, but if you can stand a bit of old fashioned Japanese wackiness, you will find yourself playing one of the most fun and unique (not to mention bloody) games to utilize the Wiimote in the past year. With Super Smash Brothers just over the horizon, ready to take the Wii by storm and pretty much eclipse everything else on the console for a while, it is time to grab No More Heroes and get in a few games before this happens.

That is about it for this week, the Playstation 3 pretty much lay dormant this week since there was nothing but multi-platform games released, but do not fear. The after-holiday game lull is just about to come to an end, and this means all the home consoles will be revving up for the pre-Summer rush. From now on in folks it is pretty much full steam ahead so make sure to start saving those pennies. I will catch you next week my loyal readers, this is DM on GamersReporting Weekly, and remember, if you are seriously interested in joining the GR crew now or in the future, do not hesitate to e-mail us! See you next Wednesday.

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