
Toshiba Denies HD-DVD Cancellation >
2008/02/18 9:00:33: Posted by DM
Toshiba, the group who led the HD DVD charge, has released a statement to say that the format is far from dead, and that no decisions on the future of HD DVD have been made. Of course, anyone with eyes and ears can see that Sony may have its first truly successful format ever with Blu-Ray.

Labeled With  sony bluray hd

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Written by dudeman on 2008/02/18

Other sources now suggest that such a decision could be made as soon as tomorrow, if a planned board meeting is held. It's over folks.
Written by kungfurabbit on 2008/02/18

over tomarrow, i'm gonna go with now.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/02/18

i doubt which billion dollar industry would cancel so early...
Written by nem3sis__ on 2008/02/18

I love it how easily everyone forgets that Sony (and Philips) created the CD.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/02/18

it doesn;t matter who created what and how, its about being surving the in industry cause after blu ray wins thats its over,

online digital will rule, and mp3 will rule longer than cd ! after AIR BOOK APPLE with no CD DRIVE !

ONCE everything is digital that no cd to blu drive is need, then thats when disc will no longer be vaulable !
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/02/18

Sony has never created a successful format on their own.

Philips and Sony co-created the CD format, which ended up being successful. Philips had just as much, if not more to do with its success than Sony did.

Blu-ray is a format where Sony is only one of NINE co-developers!...and those Co-Developers got together and Co-Announced that ALL of them were the inventors of the Blu-ray format that was agreed upon and developed by each of them.

The reason why foolish TV stations often make a reference to Blu-ray being "Sony's" format is because Sony was the first manufacturer to release a Blu-ray player. However, that is NOT a good thing for Sony to brag about, because those $900 players were NOT upgradeable, which means Sony SCREWED those people, since the Blu-ray format has been upgraded TWICE since it was originally released.

Betamax is a format that was 100% created by Sony, and it lost the format war to VHS, which was created by JVC.

UMD is a format that was 100% created by Sony, and it is a complete failure as a format.

Minidisc is a format that was 100% created by Sony, and it is a complete failure as a format.

Sony even made the STUPID and GREEDY mistake of NOT allowing their digital music players to be compatible with MP3 technology, because Sony tried to invent their own digital music format, which was 100% created by Sony, and failed...as usual for a 100% Sony product.

Blu-ray succeeded, but ONLY because Sony had EIGHT partners!


Also, if Sony would have used HD-DVD technology in the Playstation 3, the system would have launched for $200 less. And the PS3 games would have 5GB more space, since the standard size of HD-DVD discs is 30GB, compared to only 25GB for standard Blu-ray discs.

Sony's greed is the reason WHY the Playstation 3 failed.
Written by dudeman on 2008/02/18

This is an HD_DVD news article.

not even going to argue about the incorrect ps3 statement.
Written by CianMCL on 2008/02/18


according to wikipedia there is 15gb on a single layer and 30bg on a double


and with blu-ray there is 25gb on a single layer and 50gb on a double.

so 30gb is the standard for HD-DVD which means its a double layer campared to 25gb on a blu-ray single layer. all they have to do is to go to dual layer blu-ray
Written by incoming00 on 2008/02/18

agree with dudeman... but any topic regardless of what it is and urdnot turns it into an anti sony thread. funny how now he mentions the other investors/partners in the blu-ray disc association(BDA) as being a factor in the success of blu-ray, yet over a year ago around the time of the PS3 launch and bluray has just barely hit the market, i'm sure you'll find many of UTP's posts of how bluray was going to fail because of Sony and that its the next beta. not once did he mention any other company involved in the BDA(at some point i countered with the numerous members as an advantage over HD-DVD)but Sony in the demise of blu-ray. he even went ahead and declared the HD format war over and the HD-DVD the winner when paramount and dreamworks signed to the HD-DVD camp...
Written by madgunde on 2008/02/19

LOL! How does that crow taste Urdnot? Love the way you blast Sony for 'screwing' their customers by selling them BluRay players that work exactly as advertised by completely overlook the fact that your beloved Microsoft sold HD-DVD player add-ons that are now worthless and have no future content to look forward to.

Man, I feel sorry for anyone who's suffered multiple RRODs AND bought an HD-DVD add-on drive. That's like getting kicked in the face while you're down from multiple kicks to the balls.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/02/19

Funny how guys like Sky and Madgunde pop thier heads up on this site now that it looks like that Blu-Ray gamble Sony made just might pay off.

Man I feel sorry for anyone that bought a PS3 for $600.00 Rumor has it that you can now get the PS3 for $400.00 Sony dropped the price twice in the first year. Thats like having your sack kicked all the way up into your mouth and then having to swallow...
Written by SupremeChaotic on 2008/02/19


It's official.

It's sad because, although I own both the PS3 and the 360 HD DVD Drive, I preferred the movies in HD DVD format. The video specifications were never in a state of flux, and the menu's were much more interactive.

Meh, oh well. It's about time Sony pulled off something right. I guess they learned from past mistakes with Beta and UMD after all...
Written by dudeman on 2008/02/19

Good find SupremeChaotic.


TOKYO (AP) -- Toshiba said Tuesday it will no longer develop, make or market HD DVD players and recorders, handing a victory to rival Blu-ray disc technology in the format battle for next-generation video.

Written by blacktiger on 2008/02/19

well now its final ! Toshiba just announced that they are stoping by end or march with HD DVD, so more points for PS3 !!!!!!!!!

or = OF
Written by WithoutPrejudiceGamer on 2008/02/19

The Blu-Ray HD Movie Player/PS3 is going to be hard to beat his year. The HDTV generation is finally getting ripe. Sony is in the best position to cash in. The PS3 gaming system helped Blu-Ray win the format war against Toshiba and Microsoft. Now Blu-Ray in the box will be returning the favor in spades for the gaming division.

I predict that those major publications whom said the PS3 was a huge disappointment will be eating crow. They'll be writing articles on what a brilliant plan Sony had all along. Many have already been touting that the PS3 is best and only future-proof Blu-Ray player on the market.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/02/19


PS3 didn't help blu ray, MICHAEL BAY DID, with his comment, Warner right away went on the other side...

tahts when shit went down for HDDVD

remember HD DVD made moremoney than Blu Ray before Michael Bay but after cmment its over !
Written by WithoutPrejudiceGamer on 2008/02/20

Blu-Ray discs outsold HD-DVD "every month" of 2007.

Neither side has 'made money' yet. ...and now HD-DVD never will.
Written by WithoutPrejudiceGamer on 2008/02/21

Crow eating abounds. LOL

"Thanks to PS3, Sony enjoys spoils of HD fracas."

"Suddenly the company's PlayStation 3 strategy appears smarter than previously thought."

"The company's brand legacy and the most important weapon in its HD arsenal, the PlayStation 3, mean Sony has a leg up on all other participants in the world of high definition."

"The majority of Sony's success in the Blu-ray Disc market hasn't been because of their standalone player business--it's been the PlayStation 3," noted Paul Erickson, director of DVD and HD market research for DisplaySearch.

"Sony's strategy of seeding the market with PlayStation 3 game consoles that came with Blu-ray Discs playback ability looks fairly prescient now, though it didn't at the time."

"Now with HD DVD out of the way and Sony's game console strategy vindicated, what will be interesting in the months to come is where it goes with standalone players."

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