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Gears of War 2 Fact Sheet! >
2008/02/21 10:42:29: Posted by vividbreeze
Gears of War 2 is the eagerly anticipated sequel to the 4.5 million selling blockbuster third-person tactical action game that became one of the most popular Xbox 360 games in history. This time, Marcus Fexis and Delta Squad are poised to deliver a bigger and more intense experience than ever before. Click read more for full fact sheet.

• Epic saga: Gears of War 2 continues the story of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad, locked in an increasingly desperate battle against the nightmarish Locust Horde for the survival of humanity. Gears of War 2 is an epic saga of survival, loss, and retribution.

• Technological advances: Gears of War set the standard for high-definition visuals and became the game to which all others are compared. Gears of War 2 raises the bar even further with the amazing technological advances of Unreal Engine 3.

• Xbox 360 exclusive: Gears of War 2 is developed by Epic Games for Microsoft Game Studios and joins a growing list of must-have Xbox 360® exclusives. Look for Gears of War 2 when it storms onto retail shelves this November.

Labeled With  gears of war 2 epic microsoft xbox360

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/02/21

Gears of War 2 is already listed as the #1 most anticipated game for the Holiday season!
Written by Cryos on 2008/02/22

it;s a shame that it will slip till 2009
Written by The Ow In Wow8 on 2008/02/22

Cryos: wait what do you mean it will slip to 2009? Im pretty sure when Cliffy B walked out on stage saying it will come out in november...im going to believe him and get ready for it to come out in november...cause its coming out in november 2008 not 09
Written by Hedge_Iconic on 2008/02/22

Ow, Cryos just assumed it would ship late because he mistakenly thought they were talking about a PS3 game.
Written by The Ow In Wow8 on 2008/02/25

im sorry but it didn't sound like he was assuming, it sounded like he was convinced it wasn't coming out.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/02/26


Xbox 360 games don't get delayed the way that PS3 games do.

Only a small number of Xbox 360 games have been delayed, and the reasons why often have to do with problems in the PS3 versions.

For example, Grand Theft Auto 4 was originally announced on October 16, 2007.

Microsoft specifically said, "It will be released the same day as the PS3 version."

This was important, because Microsoft knows that a rule exists in the contract that says no other version can be released prior to the release of the Playstation 3 version.


The Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto 4, which includes two exclusive episodes, was ready to be released on October 16, 2007.

But the game was delayed ONLY because the Playstation 3 develpment was so far behind schedule, since the Playstation 3 is so difficult to develop software for.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/02/26


Ya see, there is a difference between a "Leader" and a "Follower."

Let me explain:

A Leader is a pioneer who does something amazing--someone who makes an amazing promise in an amazing way, and then KEEPS that amazing promise!

An example of this was the 2006 E3 show, where Microsoft showed amazing games such as Gears of War, Bioshock, and Mass Effect.

But people wondered where Halo 3 was.

On the final day of the show, during the final speech of the show, Bill Gates comes out of nowhere and says, "I think there is one more thing the crowd would like to see."

And then...we DID get to see the AWESOME intro for Halo 3!!!

Microsoft then said WHEN the game would be available, and they KEPT their promise!

That is an example of true Leadership that follows through with amazing promises that were made!


Here is an example of a "Follower," that does NOT keep a promise.

At the 2007 E3 show, Sony tried to copy what Microsoft did the year before. Almost word for word, Sony'e employee, Jack Tretton, copied the words of Bill Gates, saying that HOME would be available.

It didn't take long for Tretton's poor leadership to be revealed, because when it got time for HOME to be released, HOME was delayed...AGAIN.

So, we have to ask ourself something important:

If the Epic software Lead Designer, Cliffy B, has a special gun made in the image of the Gears of War gun with a chainsaw on it, and then he uses that chainsaw to break onto the stage to "Officially" announced Gears of War 2, then you need to ask yourself, "What are the chances that the game will be released on time."

...Cliffy B is OBVIOUSLY 100% certain that Gears of War 2 will be released ON TIME, in November 2008!
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