
OutRun 2006 Interview >
2006/01/05 10:23:31: Posted by DM
Eurogamer got a chance to speak with Mark Glossop (executive producer), Paul Porter (technical director) and Darren Mills (creative director) from the team working on the new OutRun game for PSP, PS2, and PC. According to the interview, since coding the game for PSP, PS2, and PC presented certain challenges, all three versions of the game feature unique aspects only available on the platform the version you are playing is for. Some have tracks others do not, some have vehicles others do not. This is great to hear, it means that you can buy all 3 versions of the game and come away with a new esperience even if you have played the game for weeks on another platform. All the versions will feature online play, and when asked how the PSP and PS2 versions sync up, and what the benefit was, they replied "there will be certain unique unlockables only available on the specific platforms, however they can be purchased on one platform and transferred to the other." Sounds like fun.

Labeled With  outrun sega

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