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Pres Of Production At Marvel Hints At Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 >
2008/07/26 12:10:48: Posted by DM
While this is certainly rumor mill, this could be the news many of us have been waiting years for. When asked if Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 was ever going to happen., the president of production at Marvel said "Yes. And maybe sooner than you think." Holy cow! This is fantastic news, even if just a rumor. Also remember, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom is being finished up as we speak, a new 2D fighter that is being called the spiritual successor to MVC2. This means the game's mechanics may be in place already to make things that much easier. Stay tuned folks, but with the resurgence of the Capcom fighters, we think this may indeed happen!

Labeled With  marvel capcom rumor

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/07/26

Last time, I missed my opportunity...but NOT this time!

This time, I will be ready!

If Capcom creates a Marvel vs Capcom game with graphics as AWESOME as Street Fighter 4, I will be a millionaire!


I'm referring to the fact that I will be SO IMPRESSESED that I will crap my pants to such a degree that I will be a millionaire in the furtilizer industry! This time I will make sure to own stock on those companies! HeheHe...


Seriously, this game has me EXCITED...whether the graphics are in the style of the high-definition version of Street Fighter on Xbox Live, or in the style of Street Fighter 4.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if they remixed the previous 2D Marvel vs Capcom games on Xbox Live, with high definition graphics, and then released this new game with graphics similar to Street Fighter 4...then we would have it all!

I've got dibs on The Hulk!

The Hulk was always my favorite character to play as in previous Marvel vs Capcom games, and in Marvel Ultimate Alliance with the special addition of characters that was released only for Xbox 360.
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