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EA Says Mirror's Edge Not A Timed PS3 Exclusive >
2008/08/24 16:10:09: Posted by DM
If you remember, a German Tech website had quoted David Reeves himself as stating that Mirror's Edge would be a Playstation 3 times exclusive. This came as a bit of a shock to a lot of gamers, as there were many looking forward to the title on PC & Xbox360. "According to Reeves, Mirrors Edge will initially be exclusively released for the PS3 this year. PC and Xbox 360 versions will follow much later."

EA, the publisher of the upcoming Dice-made game, have come out to say that the statement made by the SCEE top dog is false as far as they know. Mirror's Edge will be shipping for Xbox360, PC, & PS3 this Winter, simultaneously. Great news, sorry Sony.

Labeled With  mirrors edge playstation 3 dice xbox360 pc

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/08/24

EXACTLY as Krogan said!!!

!!!Krogan WINS again!!!


...one thing has changed, though. I did some investigating into this game, and the young lady in Mirror's Edge is named "Faith."

This is going to be a GREAT game, which I now have a LOT of "Faith" in!!!

At this point in time I now believe Faith has the same type of charisma as Laura Croft and Joanna Dark!
Written by dudeman on 2008/08/24

You still live at home with your mom.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/08/24

Wait a minute, who the hell said PS3 exclusive...?

I thought for the whole time it was for both in the first place...
Written by madgunde on 2008/08/24

Even a broken clock is right twice a day... ;-)
Written by blacktiger on 2008/08/24

hahah !
Written by chuckl163 on 2008/08/25

I guess I'll be getting this one on 360 then, for achievements. Unless it has PS3 trophies, which I doubt it will.
Written by dudeman on 2008/08/25

Trophy support has been confirmed for the ps3 version.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/08/25

Is it me or do you guys miss the whole point. Once again Sony Reps are lying about another game.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/25

LOL. BlackTiger can't read. Dudeman has his SDF badge on in full effect today. Krogan was spamming. And Chuck163 is in search of the superior version.

Just another 3rd party title that is multiplatform. Will wait for the reviews to see which console to get it for. If you have only a 360 or a PS3 then I guess your mind is already made up :p

Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/25

hxxp:// www.ps3fanboy.com/trophies

Chuckl163, it will be getting trophies on the PS3.
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