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Tecmo's First Revolution Game Revealed - Screens >
2006/02/15 9:10:46: Posted by DM
Tecmo's first Japanese Revolution game has been revealed. This game, a mini-golf type affair, looks just like a launch Japanese Rev title should. No word yet if it will make use of the Revolution Pad's special features. You can even see some screens if you look hard, though they may be from the PC version. Click here for the offical press release (The description of the second press release contains the statement "Tecmo's popular online golf game Panya is getting a console version, which will first be released on Nintendo's new machine 'Revolution' [temporary name]"), click the link for the game's website.

Labeled With  pangya tecmo revolution

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Written by steve_o_3000 (137) on 2006/02/15

color me unimpressed. i suppose i shouldn't expect too much from this type of game, but this definetly looks like something the gamecube could easily pull off. i mean if this hardware won't be much better than the cube's, why didn't they release their little controller gimmick for the gamecube in the first place?
Written by THE MADBARBER (6) on 2006/02/15

I love PS3.
Written by The G (9) on 2006/02/15

I agree, nintendo are putting up a quick gimmic and many people are actually believeing thier bieng innovative. So many people have not learned the lesson from the dire, and pathetic gamecube. After nintendos owns games there will be no other companies games worth getting on that shit. Im actually happy at nintendos self destructuive behaviour beacuse all i want from them is to do a sega an produce for sony and microsoft. And in 10 years time, i gaurantee you nintendo will be finished.
Written by Andrew (2) on 2006/02/15

Re: The G. You are a fucking idiot. Peace. Oh, & learn how to spell.
Written by - The G- on 2006/02/15

Oh yes you must be the intellectual genius who has the right to question my spelling when he has to swear to bring out a point. Grow up. I wrote the comment in less than 20 secs im not gonna go over it to check it, not for a stupid fanboy like you.

Are you angry that i said it how it is, please get a life. Nintendo will be gone in ten years working for sony and microsoft, i hope it eats away at you, cause its the truth. You are a retard if you believe that the revolution will bring more than a couple of good games and if you believe it will be sucess, you are amjor fool. Nintendo are a shambles. Release the next zelda and mario and thats it, thats the only games i and most people will ever get. The company like you are a joke. Enjoy!

It hurts does it? Get a life and grow up. Im here to play proper games not get the next installment of pikimin.

Written by G (3) on 2006/02/15

seems like mr g has insecurity issues if you ask me
Written by Matt (160) on 2006/02/15

Calm down G, I think you'll find that Nintendo is still the biggest games company in Japan, no matter what Sony, and especially Microsoft try and do.

There is a vast and varied selection of games for the Gamecube; I know several people at uni who have between them a vast array of consoles and the most re-occuring is the Cube - Halo multiplayer gets boring after a few minutes; but we've been playing multiplayer Mario Kart for 3 years and there's no sign of us stopping anytime soon.

Maybe its you that should grow up. There's just as big a fanbase for the cube and Nintendo as there is for Microsoft and Sony, that's why reports like this exist in the first place.
Written by Mars Barrow (1) on 2006/02/16

Nintendo is in shambles? Weird. If anyone was to do research on the amount of money Nintendo has been making lately (and has already banked), that person would have to be a complete liar or a complete fool to come to that assumption. I wish people would actually look at the facts and not at the public perception of a company's current console forecasts as proof of a point. Carry on.
Written by - The G- on 2006/02/16

Okay then I will admit I went a too far in my criticisms There is nothing wrong with Nintendo as a games company, they make good and exciting games. But in the console war I have complete distain for them. Personal opinion.

'Nintendo is in shambles? Weird'

I never said Nintendo is IN a shambles, they are still a rich company. However i said they ARE a shambles. Personal opinion, on there decisions and choices as a console manufacturer. You do not have to agree.

'There's just as big a fanbase for the cube and Nintendo as there is for Microsoft and Sony, that's why reports like this exist in the first place.'

Excuse me, playstation 2 has shipped 100 million units. The gamecube has not shipped 20 million. There is a backlog of the machines in Nintendo warehouses, said so themselves. Xbox has sold more than gamecube, in America and Europe. Surely you know that? Source wikipedia.

Also have you lot already forgotten that Nintendo said they made a finacial loss last year of $26.7 million.

'Halo multiplayer gets boring after a few minutes; but we've been playing multiplayer Mario Kart for 3 years and there's no sign of us stopping anytime soon.'

ARE U MAD???????

Seriously your comapring one of the greatest online CONSOLE multiplayer experiences to mario kart. I can’t exactly judge what mario kart your talking about because I am a big fan myself of the snes, gba, ds and a bit of 64 version, so i obviously like mario kart. But if your talking about the pathetic reincarnation on the gamecube version, you need help. The gamecube version was the worst ever, it was stupid and annoying. This is stated by hardcore Mario kart fans themselves. Halo 2 sold 7 million, double dash 3 million. And 3 million of those halo2 fans play halo2 online still to this day. They would certainly disagree that halo is fun for 2 mins.

'I wish people would actually look at the facts and not at the public perception of a company's current console forecasts as proof of a point. Carry on.'

Nintendo came 3rd this console war. Fact not public perception.

Peoples perception is what will affect the console war next time. If people 'percieve' nintendo are failing then the next console war there not going to purchase from a 'failing' comapny(or as they perceive) therefore killing the revolution itself. Next console war you will see what I mean. There will be the typical first rush for the console and then a year later revolution will be a joke.

Written by Elf (1) on 2006/02/16

"The G" takes it up his arse. Nuff said
Written by Zomg (1) on 2006/02/16

I highly doubt Nintendo will just die.

And Halo isn't that great.
Written by - The G- on 2006/02/17

Tell me a better console online game, now tell me a better multiplayer console game. Err no you cant, cause halo2 is/was the best console game on ps2/xbox/gamecube COMBINED.

'"The G" takes it up his arse. Nuff said '

Very informative, thanks. Helps prove my point that nintendo fanboys are stupid. If thats your goal well done.

'I highly doubt Nintendo will just die.'

Please read before making comments. I said ten years, not tommorow.

If people disagree make a valid point and back it up. Dont just make stupid comments thinking it makes me look bad, you can say i take it anywhere it wont affect me. All it shows is that when i state a point that you cant agree with, you're not smart enough to say why you dont and why you think so.

Written by john (10) on 2006/03/09

"Please read before making comments. I said ten years, not tommorow. "

He never said Nintendo was going to die tomorrow, either.

I, personally, am not interested in this golf game. I'm sure it would be fun to play, so I might rent it a few times. Who knows. I'm sure some people will love it. Great for them. Dosn't bother me. I'll have Metroid Prime 3, Zelda, FF:CC, and bunches of other games that I'll be playing by myself/online. And then you'll have your games. That's the way it is, because I enjoy one thing and you enjoy another. No need to bash other people.

I have no idea why im posting this, it's been almost a month since someone else replied. lolz.

Written by realvictory (1) on 2006/03/09

Fact: I bought an Xbox specifically to play Halo 2;

Fact: I don't play Halo 2 much;

Fact: It wasn't worth the money I paid for it;

I bought a Gamecube because I believed that at least half of Nintendo's first party games would be good, but I was wrong, they were bloody amazing. True, the Gamecube isn't popular, but that isn't why I bought it. Lack of games and support are a disappointment, but that's the only disappointment. Unlike the other consoles I own, the games were not a disappointment.

As long as there's a Nintendo console with a Nintendo game on it, I'm buying one, because I know it's going to be good. Halo Schmalo, I think - I played two of them, and now I'm bored with it. I've played every Mario game I can get my hands on, and I'm still not bored of Mario.

One other thing - the biggest scam of them all: SLIGHTLY BETTER GRAPHICS is in fact a cheap gimmick. It doesn't change games or make games funner.

The fact that people haven't worked that one out yet is a predictable disappointment, like a lot of things nowadays.
Written by X1 (1) on 2006/03/15

interesting, nintendo still made money even though there sales weren't spectacular. but interpret for yourself Nintendo financials the reports here

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