
Guerrilla Admits Recent Killzone 2 Screens Were Touched Up >
2007/12/11 14:49:51: Posted by DM
Well, here we go again with Killzone 2 graphical controversy. It seems the recent screenshots were touched up, as admitted by Guerrilla's Seb Downie. Seb argues that "They are only the tiniest bit touched up." He admits there was "a little bit of colour-correction done and some minor polish, but nothing major. Still very close to reality and it looks better in motion in my opinion." You decide if this is more bs or just standard operating procedure.

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Killzone 2

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Written by CianMCL on 2007/12/11

standard operating procedure id say. its a product that months off anyway
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/12/11

LMAO!!!>>>> Oh yeah like How it was standard to announce 4D for a product that was months off, called the PS3. Right? Keep Dreaming Sleep Walkers
Written by arthur56k on 2007/12/12

whats so standard in presenting things as they aren't Cian, its not honest, nobody should ever do it, i'll call it crap, dont they beleive in what they are doing?
Written by Nemesis IX on 2007/12/12

Cian will you ever shut up, its not standard practice to adjust a real time image, there just tying to make there shit game look a bit better, why do you have that stupid loyalty with sony, you'd swear they were doing something for you. you have no idea how the games industry works.

All i can say is why are they putting so much effort into touching up images instead of using that time to make the engine better so they can have that quality of textures and lighting.
Written by zwandaba on 2007/12/12

F standard procedures. Its better to show the real thing (as it is) or nothing at all if they are serious about their game. The last thing they should be doing is showing fake images of their game especially since they have a reputation caused by the fake trailer they put out back in 2005.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/12/12

I guess that 40 million dollar budget is being put to good use. Photoshop at it's best. I wonder who is pocketing the rest of the $39,999,500???
Written by arthur56k on 2007/12/13

they probabaly can nemesis, lol at pimp D
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/12/13

Killzone 2 is NOT wanted by consumers anyways!

It's like the song says:

"But Kill-zone one, sucked bee-fore,

So what makes you think we want it more."

When a game receives review scores as low as the original Killzone, because of poor gameplay, then it should NOT even be considered for a sequel...the series should be left alone...especially when you consider that the Killzone series has such a poor storyline that represent crappy icing on the poopy cake!

For crying out loud, the PS3 controller sucks for games like this!...the developers should spend more time making it so a game like this can work with a PC/Mouse combo rather than figuring out ways to tell lies and deceive consumers!

NOTE: Gee, another major Deception/Delay combo for the Playstation 3. That is NOT a surprise, since Sony and their affiliates have a reputation for telling more lies than any other company in the industry...I am VERY HAPPY to see that the people who play games in the industry have NOT forgotten about the lies Sony said about the PS3 and PS2.

There is a saying "Fool me once, shame on you (Sony). Fool me twice, shame on me (Consumers).

Sony may have fooled us with their lies about the PS2, saying that it would have "Playable graphics, just as good as the Disney movie called Toy Story."

But people were ready for Sony's lies when the PS3 was released, because we clearly saw that Sony was NOT telling the truth with the PS2. And we were 100% CORRECT, because Sony told more lies than ever with the Playstation 3!

As we see here...Sony continues to tell those lies to consumers.
Written by CianMCL on 2007/12/13

Thats bs damian, all shots to a certain extent are touched up before release as coming out of a raw engine mid-dev, everything isnt rosy, unless you shots are 2 weeks from the end of dev, aliasing etc, all stuff which will be fixed. You can honestly say ye never touched one shot up. i heard otherwise..lol.. dont be so quick to be high and mighty..

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