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Ninja Gaiden II Preview - Design Flaws? >
2008/05/20 8:26:59: Posted by DM
Looks like the new Ninja Gaiden isn't impressing people across the board like number one did. NextGen posted their preview of the sequel, and they had some complaints. Firstly, the camera seems to be a big issue this time around. Also, they claim that the enemy AI is flawed as well. Check it out.

Labeled With  ninja gaiden 2 tecmo xbox360

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Ninja Gaiden 2

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Written by dudeman on 2008/05/20

An xbox 360 game falling short of the hype and expectation? Don't tell the fanboys!
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/05/20

Something The PS3 Fanboys are used too.. Please do celebrate and wait until the next blue moon. As 360 Fan I kinda of get exhausted from partying in the name of PS3. thanks for the break.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/05/20

PS3 fanboys is used to, i feel sorry for B1eBurneR,

can't handle the truth...

Apparently he doesn't like MGS4 meaning he ain't gamer himself...
Written by daveydz3 on 2008/05/20

i've never really played any MGS games. does that mean i'm not a gamer?
Written by Nemesis IX on 2008/05/20

The strick Ai is partially the Reason i play the ninja gaiden games, i hope this is incorrect.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/05/20

LMAO at f*cking retarded grade school level education equivalent posts written by BlackTiger. First of all tell your mommy to buy you some hooked on phonics you illiterate little boy. Then we would at least be able to understand your dumb a$$. I mean my children could do better and my oldest is only 8 years old and just finishing the second grade.

Oh and your logic about people not liking MGS is stupid too. In case you hadn't noticed the highest MGS game ever was short of 6 million in sales. That means both the PS1 and PS2 had well over 100 million non-gamers according to your logic.

Could it be that MGS only has a certain hardcore appeal to it??? I have been on record as saying that the last time I played a Metal Gear game was on the NES. I have been gaming since the Atari 2600 back in 1980. Am I not a real gamer either. I owned a PS1 and PS2 but never bought any of the MGS games. Guess I'm not a real gamer.

Look in the mirror before you call anybody else out agin you worthless Sony tool...


edit: agin = again.

Sorry had to get my BlackTiger bad spelling inpersonation on.
Written by arthur56k on 2008/05/20

well, camera issues,they were there in NG, NGB, and NGS, all were killa apps, this seems no different.

nemesix, try reading previews from other sites as well
Written by Game_Demon on 2008/05/20

I'm big fan of the arcade NG of the 80's. Played the xbox one but never passed Alma (I really hate her), then played the NGS on PS3, resisted the urge to switch difficulty to ninja dog till the end and ultimately hated it for the frustration it caused me. The game is NOT that difficult, however the god awful camerawork combined with the constantly moving opponents (preferably moving out of sight) makes beating this game quite a frustrating task, without adding at the same time something positive to the experience.

Normal human reactions can be executed within 1/3 of a second. That's 20 frames for a 60 frame game. In extreme cases reaction time can be as low as 15 frames (big Tekken fan, lots of frame/reaction discussions). Now in NG a standard opponent will appear on screen and attack within 5 motherfucking frames making ANY KIND OF REACTION HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Now tell how the hell can this be fun? Fix the camera you'll say? I do fix it, every fucking second; doesn't really help on the fun department, does it?

The problem as far as I can tell is that the camera zooms in too much so that we can witness the beautiful graphics, and that's the gameplay's bane. And the trend isn't gonna change in NG2, so fuck that shit. Of course, the game is gonna sell really good because people enjoy a good bloodbath. I have a suggestion for you then: Import Berserk for the PS2; now that's a proper bloodbath that's really fun to play too. If u can't find it then DL it. Where I come from, non modded PS2s are an urban legend or a myth or something.

Which leads me to my next argument. To accurately calculate how many people played a PS2 game take the figures of sales of genuine PS2 software and multiply it x10 and there you go. I believe you get the picture.
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