
Rockstar Being Secretive About E3 >
2006/04/28 10:00:10: Posted by DM
According to a GT post, Rockstar is keeping wraps on its E3 showing for this year. This is only fueling rumors that MS is trying to secure GTA for the XBox360.

Labeled With  rockstar e3

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Written by THEMADBARBER (33) on 2006/04/28

*My IP is now banned because I can't turn off Caps. This is a warning to the rest of you.*
Written by D (16) on 2006/04/28

Leave GTA Where It Belongs.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

Very interesting to see if they end up getting GTA. A similar thing happened with the fable developer at GDC then not too long after the circulating rumors that Microsoft had purchased them turned out to be true.

Who knows the true purpose of that ping pong game could be an attempt to try to get better acquaint themselves with development for the 360 so they can really drag some power out of it for the next GTA.

GTA doesn't "belong" anywhere it goes on whichever platform the developers decide to put it on and the ps2 isn't what made gta as big as it is. It was quite the other way around you have any idea how much vice city or san andreas commited to the ps2's market share? Had it come out for the xbox before it came out for the ps2 everyone would've flocked for a xbox to get it. San Andreas is why I bought a ps2 its a system seller just like halo 2 was for the xbox. I don't think its crazy to assume the next GTA will easily beat out the last GTA in terms of sales on a console as powerful as the 360 or PS3.
Written by gamer (8) on 2006/04/28

wether the next gen GTA comes out on ps3 are 360 ill get it 1 way ore the other.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

The ps2 had the bigger marketshare at the time greater chance of success so why not go with the ps2 with san andreas? This time around the 360 has the market share lead (sony WILL have shortages come time for that ps3 to be released you can count on it) Microsoft recently rose their expected shipped 360s from 4.5-5.5 mil by the end of june to 5-5.5 mil by the end of june.

Microsoft is on track to have 10 to 12 million 360s shipped by the end of 2006 (who knows what kind of 360 sales spike will take place after E3 with games like what they have planned) 360s wont magically stop selling when the ps3 is out they'll still sell with the amazing games due in november alone. Don't forget a 360 price drop which is inevitable. Why would rockstar pass up a much larger 360 install base? Easy, they wont. Sony is expected to have 6 million ps3's shipped by march 2007.

Even if 360's magically stopped selling and sony had absolutely no shortages delivering 1 million ps3's per month they still couldn't match the 360's 10 million people install base till september 2007. The 360 will keep the lead into 2008.

All the 360 has to do to maintain its lead over the ps3 into 2008 is to simply sell JUST 3 million from now till 2008. Given that its on track to sell 10-12 million in only its first year and demand still isn't fully met with too human, gears of war, mass effect, blue dragon, lost planet, crackdown ALL due in november this year, big unannounced titles at E3 I'd say the excitement over the 360 will continue.

Don't forget to factor in the price drop that will occur.
Written by Ric Hard on 2006/04/28

GTA will be great. But I still look forward to Saint's Row. I hope Saint's Row don't get downplayed now.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

Not at all I'm looking forward to that baby as well, but saints row DOES have an uphill battle against GTA's fanbase even if saints row is a 10 times better game. (i'm not saying it will be don't go crazy on me :P)
Written by LC (109) on 2006/04/28

Rockstar needs another hit release soon due to their financial problems. I don't think Sony can afford the exclusive agreement again after hearing the huge loss they took in developing the PS3. My money is on GTA for 360 due to early market lead.
Written by anti-optaviusx 2.0 (107) on 2006/04/28

From a business sense, a GTA for the PS2 is the way to go. Its got the largest installed base by FAR (lol opta) and since its current gen. the development costs will be significantly lower. MS have all but abandoned their xbox1.0 but, the PS2 is still live and well.

Doing a GTA for xbox1.2 makes no sense. Its got less market share than GC. Heck, a DS GTA makes more sense than one for xbox1.2333 hahahaa. Plus, developing for next-gen-xbox1.5 means more costs, more development time, more patches, and less return on investment due to such a SMALL user base.

Your sales projections are all wonky. Wii and PS3 will have xbox1.08 for lunch..esp. in Japan.

Im guessing the big announcement will be Rockstar Ping Pong distributed for cheap, exclusively though their retarded XBL system. And, why hasn't Rockstar released any actual gameplay videos yet?? Only prerendered crap of action shots.

Die XBOX348! muhahahaha

:- )
Written by Itaintrite on 2006/04/28

Fueling rumours? I've yet to hear any.
Written by neoimpulse on 2006/04/28

Rockstar Games presents.... Foosball. (insert suedo-70s/electronica beat here)
Written by Dahlsim (17) on 2006/04/28


GTA for PS2 would not necessarily be affected by a GTA next-gen. The real question is where the next-gen GTA will appear.

PS3 might seem obvious but consider that PS3 sales will capped for a while by how many units Sony can manufacture just as the 360 sales were capped.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

anti-optaviusx incase you haven't released with little to no help from japan microsoft is on track to ship 10-12 million at the end of this year and on track to be fastest selling console ever by end of june. The next GTA on ps2 isn't happening regardless of the ps2's market share. More ps2s may be out there now, but its old news the 360 or ps3 if and when one of them or both receive the next gta it will be sell alot more units than san andreas did on the ps2. Just like the next halo is guaranteed to overshoot halo 2 in overall success. Can I guarantee it beating halo 2's day one debut? No but it probably will.

Newsflash the videos released of that ping pong game were actual gameplay LOL (you think it wasn't simply because of the angle?) They were doing that to show the action, but it was gameplay way to make a fool out of yourself though by saying that all that was pre-rendered.

This isn't killzone or motorstorm where E3 footage was 100% fake. *Looks at too human actual gameplay screenshots* Yea... xbox 1.5 alright lmao must be CG! You the man anti-optaviusx! Rregardless of where the next GTA appears it will do better on a next gen console overtime than it would've on the ps2. The overall technical impressiveness of the game will draw in alot more people than a ps2 or xbox gta could've ever done.

You guys think too human or gears of war would be as anticipated as they are now if they were on the xbox or ps2? No way. There would be alot of interest, but it wouldn't come close to the craze over the 360 versions currently.

Next GTA on either ps3 or 360 is pure gold and would do wonders for rockstar.
Written by anti-optaviusx 2.0 (107) on 2006/04/28

opta ..

Actually, they already announced a port of GTA LCS for cheap on PS2. Huge installed base + easy port = easy money for them.

Where the hack are you getting those sales figures from? XboX291 = Dreamcast 2.0 ... this will be more evident once they announce that HD-DVD player.

Halo3 will do well because everyone who bought xbox129 is only into FPS, racing games and MADden 9000. Thats what xbox stands for; FPS FPS and more FPS. It will also be hugely hyped and of course theres that Halo movie coming out too.

cont ...

... cont.

PS2 old news? Thats MS PR bullsh*t. They cant wait to leave xbox1.0 behind because they failed so miserably. There still a lot of life in the current generation, and Rockstar cant simply ignore the numbers just because MS thinks that PS2 is old news. Heck, they just stopped producing PSOne only a couple of months ago.

Re: Rockstar Pong 360 ... hahahaa! yea, ima 'fool' right ... hahaa! Note to Rockstar: please show actual gameplay footage from the perspective of a freakin player ... its about the gameplay, not how pretty a lob looks from nice artsy angle. What are you afraid of? MS is prob. crapping their pants because they're pushing this next gen. crap and all Rockstar has to show is Pong 360 .. now with nicer graphics. Pong 360!
Written by OptX (103) on 2006/04/28

*Edited: No Trolling even through sarcasm.*
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

GTA lcs is a joke... incase you didn't realize that by now lol. That isn't a TRUE gta at all just watered down rubbish. Its funny you seem to be some die hard sony fanboy and you are making accusations at 360 developers for not showing actual gameplay? (when it is infact actual gameplay just from a different angle to show us stuff) Oh yea sony has shown us gameplay footage right? LOL, killzone (lol), motorstorm (lol), heavenly sword (lol some more), mgs (gameplay? NOPE realtime demo lol), fight night round 3 (gameplay? NOPE realtime demo lol) Shame the 360's actual gameplay footage of fight night kills that ps3 realtime demo (SAD)

Anyway I'll be ignoring you now because as you claim the 360 is all about fps, fps, fps I'll be enjoying gears of war (not fps), too human (not fps), blue dragon (not fps), mass effect (not fps), ghost recon (not fps), elder scrolls (not fps) crackdown (not fps),

ninety nine nights (not fps), lost planet (not fps), halo 3 yes because the game is amazing go troll somewhere because its obvious you're mad it isn't a ps3 title, but yet all sony die hards are screaming from the top of roofs that killzone (an fps) is the halo killer somehow... Just like the first one right? LOL. You claim the 360 is all about fps fps fps do you know what fps means?

Written by Ric Hard on 2006/04/28

OOOOh!! You guys are in trouble I never seen Optaviusx so mad.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

(First Person Shooter) Idiots like you are raising hell on forums over what games exactly? UT2007 FPS, Medal of Honor FPS, Killing Day FPS, Killzone FPS, Brothers in Arms 3 FPS. Funny how that works accusing 360 being all about fps yet the games most ps3 fans are talking about most seem to be fps games GO FIGURE. You'll buy a 360 for halo just like everyone else you're not fooling anyone unless you're too young to purchase a 360 yourself. Killzone is a joke until proven otherwise.. ut2007 the same game i've played for years only new guns better graphics. I'm much happier we got something new out of gears of war the poster boy for the unreal 3 engine.

In demonstrations of the unreal 3 engine the game they've been showcasing in all these fancy unreal 3 tech demos has been Gears of War. Go to the unreal technology site tell me what game is on display Gears of War. I can see why you're bitter don't worry you have the "halo killer" aka killzone with a 7.5 score in ign.

My last post in response to mr anti there.
Written by Ric Hard on 2006/04/28

Wow!! For a second there I thought you was talking to me Optaviusx. You scared the sh!t out of me. I thought you did go mad.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/04/28

lol nah i rarely get that annoyed to post what i just did anyway no big. I wont be responding to him anymore.
Written by kidkit on 2006/04/28

[Written by neoimpulse on 2006/04/28

Rockstar Games presents.... Foosball. (insert suedo-70s/electronica beat here)]

a sweet ass foosball game for the live arcade would be wicked as a $10 game :)

Written by anti-optaviusx 2.0 (107) on 2006/04/28

HAHAA! .. opta, opta, oOOpTaA ... easy there.

Sorry if im coming off as picking on you. But, seriously, im just trying to balance the discussion here. Too much pro-xbox jabber around the net.

And, fyi, i dont even own a TV let alone a gaming console. The last console i owned was the N64. And, the only gaming i do now is MS FreeCell 360 when i have a bit of time at work. So, no, im not on no-one's payroll. There might be a DS Lite in my future though.
Written by - The G- on 2006/04/28

WOW optaviusx OWNED you sony fanboys and i feel digraced to be one of you...............

The truth is IF and IF this is true, microsoft have just taken a giant stab at sony dominance, and this will no way be a one way contenst....however IF. I personally cant see a benefit for them to be exclusive un less Microsoft pay LOADS of money, it would otherwise just be smart to realese on both consolese,(forget the your wii)

Also i forgot i changed, im now only an anti nintendo fanboy, ive got a xbox360!! so opta add me im Roadside G, i have GRAW and perfect dark lol but im not good..Yet :D
Written by The New Revelation (12) on 2006/04/28

Now, Microsoft could be in negotiations to make GTA an Xbox 360 exclusive, but aren't we forgetting that Sony would be as well? The idea of this GTA/360 rumor came from an infamous list of crazy rumors on some spanish website, not exactly a credible source. And like I said, while I'm sure MS would love to have the GTA series on their system, Rockstar has a pre-exisiting extremely profitable and successful relationship with Sony.

The was also news reported by the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine in September that Rockstar was already underway developing the GTA4 engine for the PS3. Of course that can be changed and ported, but it would almost seem like they had a deal inplace with Sony for them to be moving forward developing the franchise on the PS3? Does it not?

Very irresponsible (I mean retarded) comment: "this is only fueling rumors that MS is trying to secure GTA for the XBox360." What if was GTA4 for the PS3? They'd be keeping a lid on that one too in hopes to set E3 on fire!
Written by Ric Hard on 2006/04/28

The new revelation. You maybe right with the rumor being kind of sketchy coming from a spanish site. If the xbox360 gets GTA great. If they don't well people we still have Saint's Row to look forward to. Maybe that game will be for the XBOX360 what GTA was for the PS2. A great game. So lets not loose to much sleep over this.
Written by Dahlsim (17) on 2006/04/28

<<<. I personally cant see a benefit for them to be exclusive un less Microsoft pay LOADS of money, it would otherwise just be smart to realese on both consolese>>>>

Keep in mind GTA wasn't completely exclusive, it was just that it has come out FIRST on Playstation giving them that very important exlcusive window with other systems getting the hand me downs later.

I'm sure MS would love to reverse that release order.
Written by Ric Hard on 2006/04/28

I just read on another forum that Rockstar is going to be a no show at E3.
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