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Sony Announces 40gb PS3 For US, $100 Price Cut On 80gb >
2007/10/18 8:22:10: Posted by DM
SCEA has finally announced the 40gb PS3 model for the US, with plans to release the unit on November 2 for $400 USD. In addition, SCEA is dropping the price of the 80gb model by $100 to $500. Hopefully this helps get units into homes.

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Written by neoimpulse on 2007/10/18

I'm glad I bought a 60gb PS3 with hardware BC built in before it was too late. It'd suck not being able to play the PS2 games still being released.
Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18

Ooooh, Sony's taking the gloves off now. The console war is finally starting to heat up!

Cue Krogan somehow trying to spin this as bad news in 3...2...1...

Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/10/18

Hold up Madgunde let me get my say in before the monster marketer wakes up.. I was just telling you guys another price drop was coming in addition to the 40GB drop.. and its not even 3 months yet.. now I'm 4 sure getting a PS3.. still not this year though... Lol I want to see how Sony is going to go. I still laugh at all you guys for buying early. I'm sure I'm not missing out on anything..

*Correction* I want to see how low Sony is going to go before spring or mid spring.

you know you only drop prices in new sku like that when you're selling like hot cake, A year has not past yet. Blu-ray must really be doing them some good. (sarcasm)
Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18


I don't regret buying my PS3 on launch day, I've gotten plenty of enjoyment out of it already and the onslaught of titles coming out this year alone is going to make my wallet cry uncle. Sure, I could have waited a year and saved a few hundred, but what's a few hundred for hundreds of hours of enjoyment? Cheaper than going to the movies, that's for sure!

Anyway, for those of you waiting, for whatever reason, when you decide to take the plunge, hope you enjoy it as much as I have. For those of you that never buy one, enjoy your games platform of choice.
Written by LordFlux on 2007/10/18

I'm with neoimpulse. I traded in my 6-year old PS2 at GameStop and got $100 off the price of a 60GB PS3. Very glad that I did -- have a large collection of PS2 games that I still enjoy playing.
Written by kidkit on 2007/10/18

That reminds me, i still need to find a copy of okami!
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/10/18

@Madgunde.. I meant in General, I saw he real value of the system before it hit retail, I just find it funny that alot people didn't excuse my comments I've been known to have Cruel Humor.

To each his own, I just like to speak my mind if I'm with it or without it.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/10/18

madgunde : I am glad that the competition from the Wii and 360 has forced Sony's hand. Because of this Sony now has 2 SKU's in the US that are a little bit more reasonably priced. I bought my 60GB for $499.00 after it had come down in price by $100.00. I thought the backwards compatability and card media ports plus the 5 free Blu-Ray movies was a deal. I am still waiting for the movies to come in the mail, never used BC or card media ports, and just didnt have enough good games to play. Plus PSN sucked. Thats why I traded it in for a 360.

I am looking forward to getting a 40GB PS3 next year, the only thing holding me back is seeing how Sonys games library turns out and also seeing how PSN and Home evolve. I am willing to bet that they drop the price again in the next 6 months to a year just because I think the PS3 is still too expensive for the casual gamer. I think we will see a sales spike and then demand will drop off again. The 360 still doesnt sell as much as it could because it's still too expensive in most peoples eyes. Only time will tell.

Sony Sausage Smugglers: I kid, I kid. I am glad Sony finally came to thier senses and dropped the price on thier console. I never wanted to see Sony's Playstation fail. Rather I wanted to see any console solf for over $400.00 fail. I think it's ridiculous to charge twice as much money for a new console as what they did the psat 2 generations at launch. Both the PS1 and PS2 launched at $299.00 in the US. Sony got arrogant and thought they could stuff Blu-Ray and Cell in every box, slap the Playstation logo on it, and people would just line up to be bent over to the tune fo $600.00

Consumers spoke. They went with the Wii. WTF??? I just read an article that showed studies that 67% of all Wii owners never even use the console.

Microsoft and Sony need to keep getting the price down on thier consoles so more people will buy them. The Wii will be the last console I won, just like last generation where the Gamecube was the last console I owned.

The next 3 months will be very interesting. I ant to see how each console does. I still think the 360 will win the holiday. They have the most games. The best games. And if they are smart will drop the price of thier console to compete with the PS3 and the Wii.

Shock the world Microsoft.

$199.00: Arcade (Core replacement)

$299.00: Premium

$399.00: Elite
Written by blacktiger on 2007/10/18

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY IM GETTING PS3 !!!!!

somebody bring keyboard and mouse to support FPS, i know xbox will never just to protect windows but pls sony do it !!!!!!
Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18


I don't think it was arrogance that Sony chose to go high end with Cell and BluRay. I think their logic followed like this:

1. Their PS1 and PS2 core audiences are maturing (most in their 30s by now), have more disposable income and are willing to pay more if it means getting great value.

2. Microsoft's first XBox was superior than the PS2 in terms of specs, so Sony wanted to make sure they didn't do it again this generation.

3. The DVD format was already max'ed out by developers on the PS2 and XBox, so it was a logical move to want to include a newer storge medium that wouldn't unnecessarily limit games developers.

4. Cell processor kicks ass, but it's a long term investment. Sony has a vested interest in Cell technology, but is counting on it's other uses to make it a high-volume part, thus bringing the price down rapidly. So they gave up having a lower price in the first couple of years to make sure they had the horsepower they wanted, hoping to be able to reach the lower desired price point down the road, which as we can see is after about 1 year.

What Sony failed to anticipate was:

1. The Wii, with it's low price and focus on casual gaming.

2. XBox 360 launching earlier than they expected and at a lower price than expected, albiet with lower specs than they expected (I think Sony expected the 360 to have higher specs.

One point I forgot to include in the list of Sony's logic:

5. PS1 was a stellar success, and took advantage of a relatively new medium: CDROM and featured CD playing capabilities. PS2 was an even more stellar success, and took advantage of a new medium: DVD, and featured DVD movie playing capabilities. So it's only logical that they learn from their success and release the PS3 with a new medium. To NOT include a new medium would have been a departure from what they have done in the past, which would seem illogical, given how successful they have been in the past with the exact same strategy.
Written by blacktiger on 2007/10/18

67 percent never used their console,

i read in some other article it was 30-35 percent, that make more sense than yours ! how the hell 67 percent heard about wii news thats more news than any other games ever heard their own hype games ...

oh well different article, different numbers !

Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18

I don't see any of the above as being arrogant, it all seems very logical to me, although maybe somewhat short sighted and simplistic. But at the same time, each one of those points has merit, and we'll have to wait and see whether they have enough merit to make them justified or not. Sony does have a reputation for slow starts and then stellar performance once a platform matures. Look at PS2 and even PSP. How many people were claiming PSP was dead in the beginning, yet it's selling quite well now.
Written by blacktiger on 2007/10/18

But im also sure that lot of ppl who bought earlier probably had fun than us since they get blueray way earlier than anyone !!!

Now i get a blueray one second year, this islike the first time i ever get a player that is so early !!!

Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18

Of course, that all doesn't mean that Sony doesn't/didn't exhibit arrogance. Being extremely successful has a tendency to do that to any company. Microsoft as a company is extremely arrogant. Nintendo is starting to get that way too with the early success of the Wii. At the same time, Sony has become quite a bit less arrogant, and many would say humble as of late, so you have to give them kudos for changing their stance.
Written by blacktiger on 2007/10/18


ps3 is doing very slow, but later on when they get their base ! man you'll see how big the games gonna be and how big the onlines gonna be !

nobody believed online in ps2 and gamecube i mean we dont wana get rid of first player !

some developers say that halo 3 is not that much different than halo 2 ! i dont know never played it !


ps3 is doing very slow, but later on when they get their base ! man you'll see how big the games gonna be and how big the onlines gonna be !

nobody believed online in ps2 and gamecube i mean we dont wana get rid of first player !

some developers say that halo 3 is not that much different than halo 2 ! i dont know never played it !
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/10/18

madgunde: Yes Sony has been eating alot of humble pie lately. Which is good. Believe me I enjoyed my PS1 and PS2 immensely. But CD-ROM was an established format for music, and PC's were already adopting CD-ROM by the time PS1 launched. BTW Saturn also had CD-ROM. DVD once again was an established standard. DVD wasnt competing with any other format of its kind. Its competiton was VHS. My issue with Sony is Blu-Ray. Can you honestly tell me that Blu-Ray is not on Sony's agenda??? They stand to make alot of money if consumers upgrade from DVD to Blu-Ray. I can appreciate the added space BD-ROM discs give us, but at the same time I cant appreciate that Blu-Ray and Cell made the PS3 more expensive. You my beleive in Sony's Cell hype. But I dont, and you should ask all these software developers what they think about programming for the Cell.

Also although I ultimately believe Microsoft should have gone with a different optical media for their games, I dont think it will hurt the 360 as much as Sony fanboys believe. It has been almost 2 years now and only 1 game currently released (Blue Dragon) uses more than 1 DVD-9 disc. And that is becuase JRPG's are cutscene wh*ores. If I have to swap a disc in the future I will get over it.

All 3 consoles will sell well this generation. They all 3 have thier pros and cons. I hope all 3 console makers learn from thier own and each others mistakes. All 3 are far from perfect. Lets see who is doing the best hardware and software by Christmas of 2008. Any bets???

My bets on the 360. I think the Wii may have sold more hardware by then, but the 360 will be the leader in software sales. Thats where these companies really make thier money. But I also think that Sony has a chance with thier brand name and if Blu-Ray/HDTV/Broadband internet adoption really explodes in the next few years. There is a good chance that the PS3 will emerge as the winner again. Thank you for dropping the price Sony!!!!!
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/18

Response to B1ueBurner:

I agree with you 100%

You aren't missing anything with the Playstation 3...not unless you would rather play sports games from 2K Sports and EA Sports at 30 frames per second on the PS3, rather than 60 frames per second on the Xbox 360!
Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/18

to every Somy action, there has been a MS reaction thus far, great move from Sony, lets see what MS can do, its 2 years and there's like a 20 dollar price cut, they need to go better than that, this was their year, but next year looks real promising for the ps3
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/18

(1) Playstation 3 has very few award winning exclusive games. Xbox 360 has LOTS of award winning exclusive games.

(2) The overwhelming majority of multi-platform Third-Party games are better on the Xbox 360 in terms of graphics, features included, and online play.

(3) Time: Xbox 360 games often released quite a bit earlier than Playstation 3 versions, yet the overwhelming majority of Xbox 360 versions offer higher quality!

(4) Cost of Hardware: Xbox 360 hardware costs less than PS3 hardware, yet offers better performance with more advanced custom chips dedicated to videogaming. PS3 has "Blu-ray," but Xbox 360 gives you the option of buying the superior "HD-DVD" which has stricter performance standards offering higher quality than Blu-ray. Plus, Xbox 360 relies on On-Demand service. Blu-ray doesn't let you see Star Trek or CSI in high-definition, but Xbox Live does!

(5) Cost of games: Many times there are highly rated games that are released up to a year earlier on the Xbox 360. By the time those games are released on the PS3 for $59.99, the Xbox 360 versions are already selling for $39.99 because they have become Xbox 360 "best-sellers." So, you can literally buy a higher performing game on the Xbox 360 at a price $20 less expensive.

(6) Online Performance: Xbox Live is obviously FAR ahead of the Playstation 3. Games like Virtua Fighter 5, Virtua Tennis 3, and others are not online at all on the PS3. Thankfully, those games are online for the Xbox 360.

And games like John Madden NFL Football 2008. You can play it online on both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, but ONLY the Xbox 360 lets you Talk Online WHILE YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME!!!

If you want to look at what the future holds, PS3 may eventually bring home to their online system, potentially adding a price, as well. Similarly, Microsoft will likely bring a home-style service to Xbox Live, perhaps sooner than Sony. Xbox Live is obviously by far the best online service.

So, it is 100% clear that the holiday season of 2007 belongs to the Xbox 360.
Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18


Yet Sony has the best 2007 holiday launch lineup of the three consoles according to Kotaku, which I'm included to agree with.
Written by madgunde on 2007/10/18

Edit: included should have been 'inclined'
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/18

Response to madgunde:


The PS3 Holiday lineup is a joke! There are still Genre's where the Playstation 3 does not have ANY games!!!

For example, the Real-Time Strategy Genre. Xbox 360 has awesome games like Command & Conquer 3, and Battle for Midearth 2...with games like Halo Wars on the way...but the Playstation 3 has NOTHING in the Real-Time Strategy genre!

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link...the PS3 is rated a 0 out of 10 because of missing gaps in genres like that.

The Xbox 360 has BY FAR the strongest Holiday lineup of videogames in the HISTORY of the videogame industry!!!

When Thanksgiving gets here there will be a HUGE sales boost from the day after Thanksgiving to the day before Christmas!!!

During that time period, the Xbox 360 games will COMPLETELY DOMINATE the Playstation 3 in ways that are beyond what happened last year--and that was HUGE dominance!!!

Halo 3, Bioshock, Forza Motorsport 2, Virtua Fighter 5 Online, Orange Box, Ace Combat 6, Naruto, Scene-It, Mass Effect, and SO MANY OTHER games for the mass market, children, and hardcore gamers that the Xbox 360 will experience AMAZING sales during that "Holiday" period!

Also, although games like Assassins Creed and Call of Duty 4 will be released on both the Xbox 360 and PS3, it goes without saying that the Xbox 360 versions will be superior...the Xbox 360 versions will sell FAR more than the PS3 versions.

Magazines have recently said that when you consider that the Wii is going to have production problems this Christmas. The magazines said that means certain consumers who originally wanted a Wii are going to be forced to decide between the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The lack of exclusive games games for the Playstation 3, combined with multi-platform inferiority are the reasons why people will NOT choose the Playstation 3.

Xbox 360 has FAR more exclusive games, FAR more third-party support, and MUCH BETTER online features.

Bottom Line: At the 2007 E3, Sony focused on games that will be released from 2008 to 2009...Microsoft didn't focus at all on games for 2008 or 2009...Microsoft easily could have shown games like Ninaja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Halo Wars, and so many others...but they didn't. Here is the reason why Micosoft didn't waste time on games for 2008 or beyond:

Because Microsoft has the strongest lineup of games in the history of the videogame industry for 2007!!!

Even if Microsoft doesn't break the records of the 2004 holiday season, they will come VERY CLOSE!!!...the Playstation 3 won't come remotely close to any of the videogame industry records.
Written by CianMCL on 2007/10/20

sont seem to be going with alot of original IP's for the ps3 and some new genres eg.eye of judgement. and some fantastic looking platformers like R&C, little big planet. some of the new ip'sturned out not to be tat great but at least they are trying
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