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GT5 Prologue Demo ON Japanese PSN Store Tomorrow >
2007/10/19 14:49:35: Posted by Nine
According to information over at GAF, in honor of the 40th Tokyo Motor Show, there will be a demo of GT5 Prologue appearing on the Japanese PSN store starting tomorrow. Check out the other GT Prologue info the poster has complied as well. Let's hope this holds true.

Labeled With  gran turismo 5 prologue playstation 3 sce rumor

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Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

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Written by daveydz3 on 2007/10/19

i don't know if i'm being picky, but i'm not sure that the japanese appreciate the title saying "jap" i'm sure its not too hard to add the "an"

correction: don't
Written by whYte420 on 2007/10/19

So far this game is the only reason I want a PS3. Oh, and fuck the japs.
Written by kidkit on 2007/10/19

very poetic whyte :P, can't wait to see some footage from the demo.
Written by Nine on 2007/10/19

Fixed the title's racistic message some of you might have felt offended by.
Written by Itaintrite on 2007/10/19

Japan=JPN, not JAP. Anyhow, time for some more 1080p loving :)

5.5 rating? heh bring it on 360 fanboys.
Written by DM on 2007/10/19

downlaoding now
Written by MAKAVELI_ on 2007/10/20

If they add damage and a smarter a.i , this game will be fantastic!!!!
Written by LoL on 2007/10/20


GT5 Prologue works in 1280x1080 and uses PS3 upscaling trick - by repeating some pixels in anamorphic picture to 1920x1080. So 50% upscale.

1280x1080 and 2xAA

1280x720 and 4xAA

Confirmed by the same guy from Halo 3 resolution discovery (Quaz51).


Check my Upscaling in PS3,X360 Games (Halo 3 , NG Sigma etc.) thread in forum.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/10/20

LOL. Gotta love how all the Sony Sausage Smugglers still believe in 1080P and 4D. Give it a rest already. I dont care what resolution the game is in as long as it looks better than anything last generation.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/21

Response to LoL:

You are 100% correct--Gran Turismo 5 on the Playstation 3 does NOT run in a "true" 1920x1080p resolution.

You are also correct when you point out that this "upscaling" trick used in Gran Turismo 5 is similar to the one used in Halo 3...But it's important to remember that the resolution trick used in Halo 3 is superior.

Halo 3 uses a "Dual-Frame" Buffer 640p resolution, rather than a traditional "Single-Frame" Buffer 720p resolution.

Here is the difference: A "Single-Frame" Buffer 720p offers performance 100% equal to 720p resolution. However, a "Dual-Frame" 640p resolution actually offers performance comparable to what would be seen from a "Single-Frame" 1280p resolution.

Bungie said in interviews that they literally could have listed 1280p as the official resoluton for the Halo 3 game if they would have wanted to, but the highest resolution mode the Xbox 360 outputs is 1080p. IGN goes into great detail explaining how awesome Halo 3 looks in the 1080p mode...and I agree with them.

These types of Resolution "tricks" as you call them are not uncommon. The one used in Halo 3 is very similar to the technology Hitachi uses called 1080pII.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that this generation is NOT one that offers optimal performance at true 1920x1080p resolution...that will not happen until next generation, if not later.

One of the BIG advantages the Xbox 360 has over the PS3 is the 10MB of eDRAM, which automatically assigns 4x Anti-Aliasing in 720p Native Resolution. That is one of the main reasons why Xbox 360 games have much better anti-aliasing games than PS3 versions.

But 1080p Native Resolution contains over twice as many pixels, which means the 4x Anti-Aliasing cannot be offered in the same way as it is at 720p. The human eye cannot tell virtually any difference between 720p and 1080p on HDTV sets of 42" or smaller...but the human eye can tell a BIG difference when Anti-Aliasing is there or not! Microsoft has said that this generation has 720p as the ideal Native Resoution. But Microsoft knew that 1080i and 1080p were there as well; that's why they included a Custom Resolution Upconversion Chip in the Xbox 360...no other console this generation has that hardware ability.

With the Custom Resolution-Upconversion chip in the Xbox 360 used to display 4x AA 720p in 1080i and 1080p in ways that the developers knew existed from the beginning, you end up with absolutely amazing versions of games like John Madden Football 2008 that look quite a bit better than the competition.

Bottom Line: I agree with PimpDaddy that the most important thing isn't in "the numbers." The most important thing is "the performance." Actions speak louder than words, and that is why the Xbox 360 has the best looking games available right NOW, with the games getting better all the time.
Written by Game_Demon on 2007/10/21

What lies OMG. I won't comment on UTP's pathetic attempt to equalize Halo's 640p to 1080p, and go straight to the Anti-Aliasing issue. The 10 mb the 360 has are not enough for 4x or 2x Anti-Aliasing in 720p resolutions. It can offer both 2x and 4x AA in 600p (not 640p) or less. Still no game has 4xAA yet.

Here's a relative article saying exactly that at page 5: hxxp://www.beyond3d.com/content/articles/4/

Here's the factsheet:

1024x600 (600p): PGR3, Call Of Duty 3, Tomb Raider (all have 2xMSAA)

1138x640 (640p): Perfect Dark Zero, Halo3 (no AA)

1440x810 : Ridge Racer 6 (no AA)

1920x1080 (1080p): Virtua Tennis 3, NBA street (no AA)

1280x720 (720p) : Everything else (no AA)

So 360's 600p 2xAA/4xAA <<<<<<< PS3's 1280x1080 2xAA /1280x720 4xAA end of story.

See UTP? So fewer words, so much more to say. Do you have any more lies to spread?
Written by LoL on 2007/10/21

Don't be idiot.

Use google and check "tilting X360"

4xAA is for example in NBA Homecourt on X360

1920x1080 4xAA (30fps or 60fps when there are less characters on screen - the game has v-synch so no tearing - when it isn't capable to display 60fps game waits to next free time slot so 30fps)
Written by Game_Demon on 2007/10/21

"tilting X360" gives nothing but tilt control solutions for 360. Please provide a link about NBA Homecourt having 1080p/4xAA on X360. I checked the beyond3d forum but it's offline right now and google doesn't help.

And I was wrong. 4xAA is only for 480p for the 360, not 600p or less, which sucks more.

From the beyond3d article:

______________No FSAA___2xFSAA__4xFSAA

640x480 (480p)___2.3______4.7_____9.4

1280x720 (720p)__7.0_____14.0____28.1

1920x540 (1080i)_7.9_____15.8____31.6

All sizes in MB and colour depth of 32-bit.

"As we can see, with these bit depths, all the resolutions will fit into the 10MB of eDRAM without FSAA and at 640x480 a 4x FSAA depth will stay within the eDRAM memory size, with these colour and Z depths. However, at HDTV resolutions nothing can fit into the 10MB of eDRAM with any mode FSAA enabled"
Written by incoming00 on 2007/10/21

game_demon, you sure know your stuff ;)
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/21

Response to Game Demon:

Try reading the link you gave...it talks quite a bit about eDRAM and how the Xbox 360 has plenty of 4x Anti-Aliasing and 2x Anti Aliasing...in fact, it even CONFIRMS what I said!!!

Friends, obviously Game Demon is one of those "blind lemming" PS3 fanboys who likes to stop reading articles once he sees something that he likes that sounds negative for the Xbox 360...However, if he would have continued reading to the top of the next page, he would have seen that I was 100% correct in what I was saying!

Here is the last paragraph on Page 3 where it talks about the eDRAM, it's advantages, and one of the only situations where 4x Anti-Aliasing would not be available:

"The one key area of bandwidth, that has caused a fair quantity of controversy in its inclusion of specifications, is that of bandwidth available from the ROPS to the eDRAM, which stands at 256GB/s. The eDRAM is always going to be the primary location for any of the bandwidth intensive frame buffer operations and so it is specifically designed to remove the frame buffer memory bandwidth bottleneck."

"Additionally, Z and colour access patterns tend not to be particularly optimal for traditional DRAM controllers where they are frequent read/write penalties, so by placing all of these operations in the eDRAM daughter die, aside from the system calls, this leaves the system memory bus free for texture and vertex data fetches which are both read only and are therefore highly efficient. Of course, with 10MB of frame buffer space available this isn't sufficient to fit the entire frame buffer in with 4x FSAA enabled at High Definition resolutions and we'll cover how this is handled later in the article."

HOWEVER, on Page 4, which is 100% dedicated to the explanation of of "Pixel and eDRAM operation" it confirms everything I said when it explains how 4x Anti-Aliasing is easily achieved by the Xbox 360 Xenos processor--that is one of the whole reasons why the Xbox 360 GPU has a reputation for outperforming the PS3 GPU.

Here is what the article says on page 4 during the explanation that was promised on page 3:

=Pixel and eDRAM Operation=

"Despite references to 192 processing elements in to the ROP's within the eDRAM we can actually resolve that to equating to 8 pixels writes per cycle, as well as having the capability to double the Z rate when there are no colour operations. However, as the ROP's have been targeted to provide 4x Multi-Sampling FSAA at no penalty this equates to a total capability of 32 colour samples or 64 Z and stencil operations per cycle."

"Most PC graphics processors have to balance their output with the available bandwidth and as such their ROP units usually only cater for 2 Multi-Samples per pixel in a single cycle, and the Z output doesn't double with the number of Multi-Samples being produced either. Z and colour compression techniques are also employed in order to get close to the output capabilities with the bandwidth available. ATI's calculations lead to a colour and z bandwidth demand of around 26-134GB/s at 8 pixels with 4x Multi-Sampling AA enabled at High Definition TV resolutions. The lower end of that bandwidth figure is derived from having 4:1 colour and Z compression, however the lossless compression techniques are only optimal when there are no triangle edges intersecting a pixel, but with the presumed high geometry detail within a next generation console titles the opportunities for achieving this compression ratio across the entire frame will be reduced."

"So, with 256GB/s of bandwidth available in the eDRAM frame buffer there should always be sufficient bandwidth for achieving 8 pixels per clock with 4x Multi-Sampling FSAA enabled and as such this also means that Xenos does not need any lossless compression routines for Z or colour when writing to the eDRAM frame buffer."

*** Did you see that about how 4x Anti-Aliasing is achieved a High-Definitions without any need for lossless compression!

Game_Demon...please go back to school, because it is YOU who are spreading the false information! Just take a look at the GAMES on the Xbox 360 and compare them to the Playstation 3 versions! Look at games like John Madden NFL 2008 on Xbox 360 and compare then to the PS3 versions...the Xbox 360 version has the PS3 version beaten in more areas than just framerates and resolution--Xbox 360 has PS3 beaten in terms of anti-aliasing quality, as well!


Summary of important quotes:

(1) ATI's calculations lead to a colour and z bandwidth demand of around 26-134GB/s at 8 pixels with 4x Multi-Sampling AA enabled at High Definition TV resolutions.

(2) So, with 256GB/s of bandwidth available in the eDRAM frame buffer there should always be sufficient bandwidth for achieving 8 pixels per clock with 4x Multi-Sampling FSAA enabled and as such this also means that Xenos does not need any lossless compression routines for Z or colour when writing to the eDRAM frame buffer



By the way, Game Demon, I hadn't seen that website before...it was a great one that once again PROVED what I was saying about eDRAM...thanks for that link; I added it to my collection...it will help me explain the usefulness of eDRAM to blind lemmings in the future.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/21


Response to Game_Demon:

You do NOT know what you are talking about...maybe you should "Skate" out of here...

I said that as a reminder for you for the future...whenever you mention nonsense like this about Anti-Aliasing, I will remind you that BOTH "Tony Hawk Project 8" and "Skate" on the Xbox 360 use 4x Anti-Aliasing...and the PS3 version doesn't use anti-aliasing at all!

So why don't you make like a tree...and leave!

I said "Leave," because I'm smarter than Biff Tannen...and because you are even dumber than Marty McFly!

Response to LoL:

I agree with you 100%...it's a shame that someone rude named "Game_Demon" would end up costing us so much time to make sure that other games know the truth!

Thankfully, I'm committed to making sure that Sony's nonsense isn't spread with the lies of the Playstation 3.

PS2 was a fine system, and so was the PS1...but the PS3 is a joke compared to them; it sucks. Sony is pathetic the way they tell lies to try and make up for that lack of performance. And people lke Game_Demon deserve our sympathy, because they have been deceived by those lies from the devil.
Written by CianMCL on 2007/10/22

rude name WTF krogan whats rude bout tat
Written by WORMGERM on 2007/10/22

FUck off with all this shit do the Japs make a good game or what?
Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/22

dont be an idiot, how can you quote an article from beyond3D and expect us to take it as the truth?

aint it the same as taking a teamxbox article against the ps3 and taking it as truth
Written by LoL on 2007/10/22

Game Demon

Typo. Should be

Use google and check "tiling X360"


And about 1080p 4xAA in NBA homecourt.

You can check by yourself


*In comparison PS3 version doesn't have any AA.* You won't have problems seeing it....

The same as in other 1080p X360 game VT3:

Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/22

Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/10/22

Dammit 56k you beat me to it
Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/22

yup, but by a bit, where some poeple get the time to search things like screen resolutions is still a mystery to me, OWNAGE
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/10/22

yeah its kinda of pathetic, when everyone knows not matter what those Ps3 fanatic say.. Sony System once again can not beat the MS console in the graphic department. now there might little difference from one Engine to the next but, and its clear to 3rd party Devs. for the future projects the 360 is the monster to start off their multiplat form games. Case closed
Written by MAKAVELI_ on 2007/10/22

At the end of the day I canT be harsed to to whatch fanboys jerking ate every single or less polygon on a video game.

" Remember , Gameplay is the most important thing"- Makaveli 2007
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/22

Response to B1ueBurneR, arthur56k, LoL, and MAKAVELI_:

MAKAVELI_, everyone agrees with you that gameplay is the most important factor in any game, because that is the foundation that areas such as Graphics and Sound stand on.

However, when gameplay is identical on mult-platform games, the next comparisons are things such as: Graphics, Sound, Online Features, Release Dates, Price, ect...

When you have games like Rainbow Six: Vegas that are released SEVEN MONTHS later on the Playstation 3, end up costing $20 more by the time they are released on PS3, and have Graphics that aren't as good as the Xbox 360 versions...then that is a BIG problem!

Plus, games like Lost Planet show that this is getting even worse for the Playstation 3...Lost Planet is going to be released over a YEAR later for the Playstation 3. It will cost $59.99 on PS3, while it is already a best-seller on Xbox 360 and can be purchased for $39.99 with a lot of FREE features now available on Xbox Live.

Lost Planet doesn't look as good on the Playstation 3, and it will be more expensive; it isn't worth waiting for.

Comparisons prove that the Xbox 360 version of Lost Planet has higher quality textures, more polygon detail...AND, the Xbox 360 version uses Anti-Aliasing to improve the graphics, while the Playstation 3 version does NOT.

I agree with B1ueBurneR and arthur56k, there is NO DOUBT that LoL completely PWNED the guy spreading false information named "Game_Demon."

And I especially agree with B1ueBurnR that the Xbox 360 has proven that it easily beats the Playstation 3 in the area of videogame Graphics.

As a wise man on here said:

Case Closed!
Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/23

true that maka
Written by Shiro on 2008/01/09

Who gives a flying fuck?

If you like a console, stick to it.

But don't fucking push your views on other people.

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