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Playstation 3 Controller Issue? >
2006/11/26 15:31:31: Posted by reese
It seems the trouble is not over yet for Sony. When playing, it seems that some gamers, us here at GamersReports included, are experiencing directional lock with the PS3 pad. From time to time, the SixAxis pad will literally lock in one direction for a few seconds, and will not stop until a button is pressed or the camera is moved. We had thought it was just our setup and did not think much of it until we read this thread over at NeoGaf. It seems this is not an isolated issue. Hard to say what exactly is going on with this launch.

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Sony Playstation 3

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Written by Crazyray87 on 2006/11/26

Written by teitoku on 2006/11/26

Sure glad I didn't waste my money on one
Written by B1ueadmiral on 2006/11/26

Well, my ps3 doesn't make pancakes in the morning like it should
Written by Gaara's Bane on 2006/11/26

hmm every console has its share of problems. the difference comes from how each company deals with them. lets hope sony does something nice for the ones who are experiencing these problems with their controller.
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2006/11/27

This is a MAJOR problem...this was actually on TV where I live, and they said that many of the Playstation 3 systems were being returned to the store because they were defective and the people didn't like them. Now I know why...it isn't just a matter of not practicing with the controller--it is a matter of a defective hardware interface...and that is a very BIG problem that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. If Sony takes MONTHS to acknowledge the problem, like they did with the 10 MILLION Laptop Batteries that were recalled, then it will UPSET a LOT of Playstation 3 owners! This was already reported on television where I live, and it said many of the people were returning their Playstation 3 systems to the store as defective.
Written by Nemesis IX on 2006/11/27

so is this because its a rushed design? or its a bad design? or because it was designed for the ps2 and never really bothered updating it?
Written by nock on 2006/11/27

okay...I'm not a Sony nuthugger by any stretch of the imagination...I actually hate the company myself. But, I'm getting real tired of the (Un)biased Technology Professor spelling doom and gloom for every little problem w/ the PS3. If Microsoft can overcome the problems they had w/ the 360 launch, then Sony can overcome this. They just have to handle it right.
Written by Neo Fruity Loops on 2006/11/27

The prof is like one of those one-dimensional Simpsons characters. Whatever the topic of discussion is, he can only see and process it one way..

DM has slight controler issues --> SONY IS F*CKED

DM swaps his HDD out for a larger one --> SONY IS F*CKED

Fatal Intertia is annoucned for 360 --> SONY IS F*CKED

Its raining out --> SONY IS F*CKED

.. and so on...
Written by maddcoder on 2006/11/27

^^^ hahaha i agree

I'm not sure if he's the same UBP who posted before. His posts before wasn't all about Sony bashing, but it seems like lately it's been all about Sony bashing. I'm just not sure if it's the same person. But whoever it is, the bashing is getting old and lame.

Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2006/11/27

Response to Neo Fruity Loops:

I am not DM, and I am NOT the person who wrote this article...I am NOT Sony...and I am NOT an evil force in the universe that is dedicated to writing bad things about Sony...

But, in case you haven't noticed, when USA Today gives Sony the Award for Biggest Disappointment of 2006...that means Sony IS F**KED!

In case you haven't noticed, I am NOT biased when the New York Times makes it clear that "The Playstation 3 is a Disappointment" by saying, "Sony, we have a problem" as if it was a NASA sized mistake!

When Sony's controller messes up this bad...it certainly doesn't help Sony...so that means I am forced to choose, "Does it leave Sony exactly as they are, or does it hurt them." Or in other words, does something help Sony, leave them the same, or as you say, "F*ck" them."

Well, I am sorry to say this...but the fact is that Sony's controller issue, and the Fatal Inertia issue, and every other issue you mentioned does not help them...and it probably doesn't leave them the same...so, the Unbiased Technology Professor logically concludes that Sony is "f*cked" because of those problems.
Written by Fishcake21 on 2006/11/27

I have no problems so far, and i hear less about it

but Hey what about 360's with the red lights of death that is so BIG that it made MS come out of their caves to deal about it (god bless them, but i'm still mad)

Is Ms fucked? Why don't we have that jolly UTP saying anything about it negative? Because he's biased n loyal, scumbag!
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2006/11/28

Response to Fishcake21:

Microsoft made the revolutionary decision to extend the warranty of ALL Xbox 360 systems manufactured in 2005 so that the warranty would last until March of 2007!!!!!!

That is AMAZING. I have NEVER heard of an electronics company doing anything like that before! Microsoft even decided to 100% refund anything that anyone paid for their Xbox 360 during that time period!

So, I need to ask myself, "Did Microsoft handle that in a way that helped them, kept them the same, or hurt them." The answer is OBVIOUS: Microsoft handled that situation in the best way possible that Helped them recover BIGTIME!!!!!

But look at what Sony does...look how Sony handles things. Dell, Apple, Toshiba, and IBM had a total of 7 MILLION laptop computers that needed to be recalled because they used Sony Lithium Batteries!!! BUT, Sony STILL refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong with their own 3 MILLION laptop computers that used the same batteries!!!!

Only when the negative publicity got WAAAAAY out of control did Sony finally recall 12 Vaio product models of Laptop computers that used their own Lithium Battery that is flammable/explosive.

I doubt very much that you will see Sony offering a refund to people for their controllers. Sony actually hasn't offered a solution to the problem yet...and when the time comes, I doubt you will get a refund. So, for now, this is OBVIOUSLY hurting (or from your immature vocabulary, "Fu**ing") Sony.
Written by sjones665 on 2007/02/21

Just to chime in I am having the same controller problems being reported elsewhere. Also having some lock up issues that I assume are game software related.

On the issues concerning Sony’s handling of their problems I would have to agree that Sony has made a recent string of customer upsetting decisions that is out of character from what the world had come to expect from Sony.

I used to hold Sony in the highest regard. In fact I felt that they were in the 80’s and most of the 90’s THE best company on the planet. But several actions in the last 5 years have effectively caused me to lose that opinion and in fact make me suspicious of Sony.

See Part 2

Part 2

We have all heard of the battery fiasco and the PS3 problems. But it is actually three other things they have done that speak to a change in their management philosophy. A few years ago at a convention at which Sony was going to show off their upcoming human-form robot, they pulled a “Wizard of Oz” on the attendees. The unit was not ready for autonomous action by the time the convention rolled around, and instead of taking their lumps they chose to remote control the robot from behind the stage and fool the audience. This was discovered and Sony was booed off of the stage. “Ignore the man behind the curtain!”

See Part 3

Part 3

Another incident involves a certain model of Sony laptop that shipped with Windows XP Home. Sony took artificial steps to ensure the Windows XP Pro would not install on it even though their web site claimed it would run XP Pro. When my company contacted Sony that stated that the laptop would not run Pro. We pointed out their web site info to the contrary to no effect. Later we discovered that the info was removed from their web site. We were able, with the help of Google Groups, to trick the laptop into accepting Pro.

Also a couple of years ago Sony released discs with software worms on them intended for copy protection purposes. Without asking they installed tracking software on customer’s computers. Put a DVD in your laptop to play a move and bam you have an uninvited visitor.

See Part 4

Part 4

It’s not that this was wrong per se, but no one has the expectation that playing a DVD will install tracking software. If Sony wanted to do that, they should have been honest and come forward with their decision. In fact all of these examples I am aware of seem to share that common thread .. dishonesty.

I wonder if the 15 year recession in Japan that has caused them to have very little economic growth has created the same kind of pressures on them to “go for the dollar” that infected the thinking of American companies in the 70’s and much of the 80’s.

In fact Dell has taken this "best in the world" spot in my mind.

I still like Sony, their engineering that is. This Christmas I bough a Sony camera, a Sony PlayStation 3, and a Sony receiver. I am not anti-Sony. But, I fear that it is not their technical prowess that is slipping, but their business ethics.

- for what its worth my friends.

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