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Sony's PSN Counters With 3 Demos & Tekken 5 Online Patch >
2007/08/30 17:33:56: Posted by HoTHiTTeR
The demo barrage continues. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008, NASCAR ’08, All Pro Football 2K8 Demos are now available! Also new Tekken content today on the Playstation network; Tekken 5 Full Version with Game and Online play $29.99. If you've already purchased the game, you can get the Online only for $9.99.

Labeled With  tekken 5 tiger woods 08 nascar 08 all pro football 2k8 sony playstation 3

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Written by CianMCL on 2007/08/30

sweet but the online play shud be free i think
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/30

nice! i didnt know that the tekken 5 online update was today. i need to invest in a PSP so i can connect to my PS3 from work to check up on these updates and download so i can have them ready when i get home...

can the 360 do that? =P

i agree it should be free, but remember, developers and creators need to be paid. think of the $9.99 as a 'token of appreciation' in creating it for online play =)

i'd gladly pay for the update...
Written by sticky on 2007/08/30

i think that people who have bought the game already shouldnt have to pay but 10 bucks aint that bad.

incoming, connecting to your ps3 via the net using ur psp is awesome. i think its a very underlooked feature of the ps3/psp combo, u should of seen my 360 fanboy friends faces when i was streaming video from my pc to my ps3 to my psp when we were at work, it made them think twice before making fun of the ps3. ;)

Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/30

Yeah on top of the $600.00 Sony wants you to pay for a PS3 now you got to spend another $200.00 for a PSP. Give me a break guys. Enough with the Sony Nutt-Huggery already. Its a nice feature I am sure. But I dont play hand held games, and I sure do not worship Sonys Corporation. Last time I checked Microsoft wasnt gettting into the handheld market, and if they did they would suffer the same fate as Sony's PSP going up against the DS.

On Subject: I think the online feature should be free too. But Sony is treating it as an add-on and charging as such. You get what you pay for. Can anyone tell me if Tekken 5 is really that good on the PS3???
Written by sticky on 2007/08/30

if you dont play hand held games i can see why u think this isnt a big deal. i love handheld games! the psp is easy as hell to hack and i already had a psp from over a year ago. they are making good use of old hardware that any handheld games fan will most likely have. not nut huggery, just the way it is. i dont worship sony , ive hacked every machine they have produced besides the PS3. i wont turn my head away from a good game experience just cos i dont like some corporation. sony is doing stuff the way i like. my ps3 is a dual boot with ubuntu, thats frickin awesome. m$ would never let you do that! they dont even have a web browser on their console! wtf

if tekken 5 is as good on the ps3 as it is on the psp then it will be good fun! im waiting to see if i can download a copy of this game for free from my buddys account cos he has already purchased it (something that M$ would NEVER let you do)
Written by Itaintrite on 2007/08/30

PimpDaddy, I'm sure Microsoft and Nintendo don't want you to buy any other products once you've spent $250-400 on their console. Right. HD-DVD, Elite, Classic controller, Wiimat etc. Need I list more? You surely do not worship Sony Corp. Sounds like you have a case of Wii360.

On Subject: All DLC should be free right? Or not. Not according to Microsoft anyway. If you think a patch that will completely change the game (online patch) should be free, what about stupid downloadable stuff like skins, extra maps, cars? Who's worse? Sony for charging for online patch? Or Microsoft for charging for useless contents?

As for your last question, go play it yourself and you'll see.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/08/30

This patch should be free. Sony is saying Bend over boys if you want that special tickle you have pay 10 more for it.

@Itaintrite, how do you compare something like paying to play online on something you've already purchase to DLC. skins, icons, don't add to game play, Maps add games play and dev take the extra time to make. Online Play should be in the menu option before it ships not afterwards that doesn't make any sense and whats worse you have to pay for it. hah ha ha ha .

@Sticky, I need to know if you used Ixtreme 1.2c on your last xbox360 before I plug my Cat5 in.

no details needed, a quick yes or no would do.
Written by sticky on 2007/08/30

i just asked my bud, he said it was 1.2c
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/08/30

man, there gotta be a way I can contact you, I can't talk about these things on GR.

did you play non stealth games on it?

anytime before?
Written by Itaintrite on 2007/08/30

"how do you compare something like paying to play online on something you've already purchase to DLC. skins, icons, don't add to game play, Maps add games play and dev take the extra time to make."

Read what you just said. Skins icons don't add to gameplay, yet M$ are charging for them. Maps add to gameplay, so does online patch. And thus, devs deserve to be awarded for them (more). Tekken 5 w/o online is a great game by itself. Full game with online is $29.99, $10 more than then full game w/o online anyway. So it makes sense to charge extra $10 for online patch. Otherwise it'll be unfair to people who have to pay $29.99 for the game.

"Online Play should be in the menu option before it ships not afterwards that doesn't make any sense and whats worse you have to pay for it. hah ha ha ha ."

Again, online play is more complicated than maps. If people can charge for maps WHICH SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE $60 YOU PAY, why not online play?

Bottom line? M$ still suck more.
Written by sticky on 2007/08/30

no non stealth at any point. on my old one yes but that got caught.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/30

Itaintrite: I got a better idea. Hey Sticky??? How was Itaintrite's mom??? Oh thats right Itaintrite says I should try it out myself instead of asking somebody who already bought it if its worth the money, seeing as how you cant return a PSN purchase. So tonight Itaintrite I think i will try your mom out. Dont worry though after I'm done I will tuck your A$$ into bed and read you a bedtime story. You want cookies and milk too???

Itaintrite: My comment towards the whole PSP ---> PS3 connectivity thing is this. The other guys were ripping on Microsoft becuase it's console cant to that, my point is they dont have a handheld console. I wouldnt want a PSP even if Nintendo or Microsoft made it. Why would I want to play the same or similar versions of PS2 games or watch movies on such a small screen??? I have a big screen at home. When I leave my home its to do things I cant do at home. Like work, exercise at the gym, go to a restaurant, shopping, social drinking/dancing etc... I have never understood the need to play videogames "ALL" the time. Even my stepsons DS only gets used my me in the house.

Itaintrite: My pint about online is a valid one I think. Unless I am wrong the reason they didnt put online into Tekken in the first place was because they rushed PSN out the door for launch. I know, I am experiencing PSN's growing pains right now. Online is a core function of these HD videogame consoles.

aps, skins, etc... those are optional to buy and not needed for the core gameplay. I'm not against paying for a spitshinned version of Tekken 5 with online for 30 bucks. Beauase at least I know what I am paying for, but what about the people who suffered without online that should have been included if PSN was worth a SH!T. Make them wait then charge for something that should have always been in the game???

Whats next Wii Play online with a 10 dollar fee??? Or Halo 3 Campain mode 60 dollars. Multiplayer mode 10 dollars??? Co-op 10 dollars. Or the full package for 80 dollars??? Thats my issue. Lets these software companies charge for additional content, but shipping without core gameplay functions then charging for it later is WRONG!!!
Written by neoimpulse on 2007/08/30

Time to own noobs online with my Paul/Asuka cheesiness.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/08/30

Thank you pimp,I think you said it all, IT JUST PLAIN WRONG to Charge for something that supposed to be in the game in first place not as a after thought, they charge gamers like its their fault.
Written by Itaintrite on 2007/08/31

"I'm not against paying for a spitshinned version of Tekken 5 with online for 30 bucks. Beauase at least I know what I am paying for, but what about the people who suffered without online that should have been included if PSN was worth a SH!T. Make them wait then charge for something that should have always been in the game???"

Did you even read what I said? Game with Online= $29.99. Game w/o Online was $19.99 (or less). So the difference (online) is roughly $9.99. So basically they gave the people the option of getting the game a few months earlier then paying an extra fee to get online. In the end, the total price is still THE SAME.

B1ueBurneR, I'm sure you know how easy it is to add online play to a game.

Oh, and Pimpdaddy, I guess now we all know how old you are. Got milk?
Written by arthur56k on 2007/08/31

why should you pay extra for online???

that is something they should give you for free, they should have worked on that, imagine paying an extra 10 dollars just to play every game online, spin all you want itaintrite, but it is plain wrong, that should have been there to start with
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/31


(1) sticky (i.e) Sky, to answer your question, YES the Xbox 360 does stream information back and forth between with the PC.

(2) Xbox 360 can even be set to AUTOMATICALLY download games when they are released...so, you wouldn't even need a PSP, or a PC, or anything at all if you used that feature that the Xbox 360 offers.

(3) I think it is quite sad that PS3 owners have to pay a whopping $29.99 for a remixed PS2 game!!! I can go to any retailer and find LOTS of Xbox 360 "Platinum Hit" games for only $29.99, including "Call of Duty 2: Game of the Year Edition."

You can even find Fight Night Round 3 on sale for Xbox 360 for only $19.99. And Fight Night Round 3 was voted as "Fighting Game of the Year."

This $29.99 for outdated Tekken 5 is a RIP-OFF!!!

Now we see how Sony ends up makings it so, "Online play is free."...it ISN'T FREE because of the extra high price of the Playstation 3 system itself, and because of the extra high cost of games.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

Itaintrite: Are you dizzy from all the spinning yet??? If Microsoft or Nintendo pulled this BS I would same the same SH!T. Got milk huh??? Does breastfeeding from your mom count???
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/31

dude... this argument can go on forever like the one about Killzone 2... that one went up to 93 comments!!!

so i'll end it with this(or at least try)

if you like Tekken 5 and want to fight other people online cuz you have no friends or for whatever reason, then pay the 10 bucks! if not, then dont! end of story...
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

incoming00: I cant let you end it yet. I understand your point. I like Tekken and may actually be interested in this game. But is it just a spitshinned version of the last Tekken for the PS2????? I still thinks its BS to charge for an online mode that should be included with the game. WTF??? How many other videogames on consoles do that??? Please leave out the MMORPG's if anybody cares to reply...
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/31


Remember the example of being ripped off on false deals that every kid learned in school...the one where a guy says, "I'll give you a 10% savings if you buy it right now."...but the problem is, the guy had already raised the price 10%, before the deal was offered.

Well, it's the same thing with the Playstation 3...they claim to offer free online (even though it SUCKS with very few games that let you talk while you play)...however, the FACT is, when you have to pay $10 for an online mode...and you have to pay all that extra cash for the Playstation 3...THAT is how they can afford to claim is "free."

Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/08/31

So $30 for a solid online fighting game is a ripoff all of a sudden? You xbots will complain about anything.

Krogan, you're an idiot. What other online capable games don't have voice chat besides CoD3? MK 2? Every MP game I've played on the PS3 besides CoD3 has had voice chat, so here's a dollar so you can buy a clue. After you do that, you should look into getting a life.

I think it is BS to charge $60 for a game (Shadowrun, published by MS) that is (a)terrible and (b) has very few multiplayer options. Then, you have the Crackdown pack where you pay $10 IIRC for cars and more Easter Egg orb hunting.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher: So you think every company should start charging for online now??? Warhawk is an online only game: I got the retail because I needed a wireless headset. I like the idea that they only charged 40 dollars for it as a download because you can only play the game online. I didnt get Shadowrun. But I think one of the reasons they charged full retial for it was the ability to play against people on PC's $30.00 is not a rip off for Tekken 5 spit shined in 1080P with on-line. But if you release the same game for 20 dollars without online, then I call BS. Online is integrated into every game in this generation for the 360. You dont pay extra for it. If the game is a single player game then its not needed.

I have never purchased a single DLC add on for a game. Never felt the need to. The game I buy at reatil is enough for me.
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/08/31

Pimpdaddy, we've already established that MS (a software company) has a very good service w/ XBL. Sony (a hardware company) is currently working on trying to build the PSN as a solid service. Is it perfect? No. Is it viable for playing games right now? Yes. Tekken was released b/c at the time, there were not a lot of games hitting the PS3, and hardly anyone was familiar with how to optimize games for online performance on the PSN. Now it's been done.

Now, we've established that MS (a software company) has had very poor results in building a decent piece of hardware, whereas Sony's PS3 (a hardware company) works just fine by comparison. Each system has it's problems. The PSN is getting much better and will continue to do so in the future.

$60 to play vs people on a PC, not buying it. They packaged an empty, terribly looking, pathetic game worth maybe $25 for $60. It is their trial for cross platform for implementing XBL on the PC, something that they will try to begin charging consumers on the PC for. Thankfully, the PC world, being used to free online play (minus MMO's) is rejecting XBL on windows.

Oh, and don't forget the tiff between Epic and MS b/c of MS wanting to charge for the map pack for Gears of War either.

How much for four maps? $10.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

I cant speak on Shadowrun personally, but regardless the sales speak for themselves right??? I'm not getting it. As for PSN vs Live. I would rather pay for Live. I hope PSN keeps improving I really do. Warhawk has been a blast. I do wish you could just talk without having to hold down a button though. All these companies are charging for maps. Epic up until recently has been primarily a PC developer. They are used to giving things away. Every company is trying to cash in on DLC. But how many charge you extra to play online??? Even worse omit this functionality to only later charge you for it???
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/08/31

Based on the fact that they are selling a revamped copy w/ online for $30, I don't consider what they are doing as charging for online. The people who bought it before hand paid $20 for it. $20 + $10 = $30. Sounds about right.

As for the PSN as a whole, it does need to improve, but it is free so what can you expect. It's certainly more than Nintendo is doing. Will it ever suprass XBL in quality, not likely. Does it serve it's purpose in a viable way? Sure does.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher: LOL. Neither one of us seems to be making any progress in this debate. But you did just say $20.00 withou online when they released it right. $10.00 additional for online. That sounds like they are charging it. But I am obviously looking at this differently than you. If they released this game at $30.00 including online then I wouldnt have beef. But they didnt. They released this game originally at $20.00 in fact up until the other night it was still $20.00 and I was tempted to buy it. Now with the "addition" of online it is $30.00.

PSN isnt bad, its just not good. Not when you can compare it to something else (Live). Honestly if I hadnt already used live I probably wouldnt be complaining about PSN, but Live has established a pretty high standard for an online gaming service.

Your right the Wii disappoints me, thats why I will wait the longest to purchase it fo the 3 next gen consoles.
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/08/31

So theoretically, you can say we are all being charged for online play with the advent of $60 game prices this generation. The most important aspect of this debate is whether or not one thinks the price of the game ($30) is justified. I for one don't care for fighting games at all, so I wouldn't buy it. But a Tekken fan is more than likely going to. Based on reviews and what I've heard, Tekken is a good game. The reason why the game didn't come w/ online service in the beginning is clear. Now, if this happens w/ a fully priced, fully realized game then I will totally agree with your argument. I can see where you are going, but I still see it and agree with it from the standpoint that as an entire game, it's being sold for $30. Again, I won't buy it. Besides, Warhawk > all other PS3 games right now.

Oh, and the push to talk was done in Warhawk b/c the beta testers preferred it. I can understand their reasoning. Didn't want to have to deal with the little foul mouthed 12 year olds ruining the experience.
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/31

wow... this is still going on? ok, i'm out of this one... i'll just play and do some pwning or get pwned on Tekken 5 online =)

oh, and its not a spit-shine of a PS2 game, its a spit-shine of a PSP+Arcade game =P
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

incoming00: Well I may have to buy it so I can own U at it :p Seriously is it a good game??? I think I can take your word for it. U seem fairly reasonable. How are the graphics and how does the online work. Is it laggy or is it smooth???

Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher: ok I agree $30.00 for Tekken in 1080P with online is worth it. But. And its a big BUT. If I were one of the people who purchased it for $20.00 before the online capability was just announced I would be mad. Thats my only issue with this. Its not about the value. Just the business ethics of it... Yes Warhawk is that good. I wasnt impressed with RFOM, and motorstorm seems fun but I am goinf to wait till it drops in price to get it. But Warhawk was totally worth it for the game and bluetooth headset :)
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/31

i think the game is good for what its worth. i personally like VF5 better, but Tekken online should hold me until VF5 for 360 or a patch for PS3 comes out. as for the performance, the game runs well at 720p. i dont have a 1080p TV, but the game does support it. at 720p, it looks really good. as for the gameplay online, i just installed it this morning before i left for work. so i wont know until i get home in about 2 hours...
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/31

Sorry I have to get the last word in. IGN just reviewed Tekken 5 online. They gave it a 7.0 The funny thing is that they also said this exact quote about the added online feature "The fact that you have to pay an additional ten dollars for this content is perhaps the most ludicrous aspect to the add-on for players that already own the original PSN download. At the most, this should've been a free patch or one that provided additional fighters, costumes or gallery items to justify the extra expense. As it stands now, it's squeezing players for money for practically no improvement on the overall experience. This isn't a comment on the game itself, which is still enjoyable and still an impressive title. But to justify making players pay for a basic something that should've already been in the game is a bitter pill to swallow."
Written by arthur56k on 2007/09/02

damn, ps3 fans are even more blind than i thought, if MS pulled this off, i would be furious, and i have my sentiments on DLC stated many times already, but this is lame from namco, and anybody who tries to defend it is biased to the core.

fair and balanced, we now get to pay 60 bucks per game mainly because development costs have gone from maround 5 million in the last generation to 10 million bucks this generation, nothing to do with online, we had xbox live in the last generation, remember that???
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