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Lair PS3 Officially Delayed >
2007/08/02 12:42:14: Posted by DM
We saw this one coming, but now it is official. Lair has been pushed back until the beginning of September, according to the PS blog. We read that the title had already gone gold, so what the delay is we are not exactly sure.

Labeled With  lair playstation 3 factor 5

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/02

REVIEW: The game called Lair for the Playstation 3 received a VERY POOR rating in the newest issue of EGM. It received a score of only 6 out of 10.

Reasons like that are why the Playstation 3 experiences such disappointing sales all over the world.

With the delay of three weeks, combined with the poor review, it is now said that Lair is a game that is "Flight Delayed," and is NOT worth waiting for.
Written by lc204 on 2007/08/02

I'll wait for GameSpot's and IGN's review. I don't trust EGM at all.
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/08/02

Much like Blue Dragon has been relabled Blue Balls (the promise of something great, but disappointment reigns) b/c of it's similar poor review.
Written by Owned on 2007/08/02

hey urdnot..... do you really have to comment in every one of these posts? geez... guess you dont have anything better to do than bash the PS3 huh?
Written by madgunde on 2007/08/02

@ Krogan Ball Munching Turd Wiper

6/10 is VERY POOR? How then would you describe a 5, or 4 out of 10??? 5/10 is generally considered Average, 6/10 above average, 7/10 good, 8/10 very good, 9/10 excellent and 10/10 perfect. Very poor describes a score of 2/10 not 6/10. Quit your trolling already.
Written by zwandaba on 2007/08/02

fuck "above average", if its not 7/10 or above, its not even worth renting.
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/02

Play Magazine gave it a 9/10.

Gamepro gave it a 3.75/5, which is 7.5/10.
Written by Owned on 2007/08/02

EGM sucks..... MS kissing critics.....
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/02


Here is the way the College Report Cards describe it

100% is a grade of a Perfect, A

90% or higher is still graded with an Excellent, A,

80% or higher is graded a B

70% is a C, and we all know C is "Average" on a report card.

60% receives a grade of a "D" on a report card, and is officially labeled "Poor."

59% or lower receives the grade of an "E" and fails, even at the high-school level...6 out of 10 is a 60%, and is PATHETIC.

Just so you know, at the college level, Lair, would NOT have received credit, because you have to score at least a C or higher in order to receive credit.

madgunde, go run along now and play games like Genji with scores of 5 out of 10, and NBA 07 with scores of 4 out of 10. Lair is now officially grouped with those games.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/02

@ Incoming, You did a nice job of research. I trust Gamepro MUCH MORE than I do Play Magazine.

Play Magazine may have given Lair a 9.0, compared to the 6.0 from EGM and the 7.5 from Gamepro…But there are some things to keep in mind:

First, and foremost, we clearly see that Lair is obviously getting very Mixed Reviews with the majority of reviews indicating that Lair is disappointing.

Second, we need to consider the reputation of Play Magazine. For example: it is common knowledge that the Playstation 3 game called Untold Legends is one of the worst games currently available. Over 60 professional sources reviewed Untold Legends, and the average review score is 5.4 out of 10, which is 59%. Do you know what review source rated that crappy game the highest, with a score of 8.5--Play Magazine.

So, if you liked Untold Legends, you will like Lair about the same.

Third, we know that one of the worst games on the Playstation 3 is NBA 07. It received many scores of 5 out of 10 or lower. So, the question is, “What did Play Magazine rate NBA 07.” The answer is: Play Magazine chose not to review NBA 07, because they didn’t have the guts to say anything negative about that game the way that everybody else did!

Play Magazine was too cheap to go out and buy their own copy of the game, because Sony stopped sending out free Review Copies when NBA 07 was being RIPPED on by the so many other magazines.

When we consider these kinds of thoughts, it reveals evidence that shows bias! Reasons like that are why it is important to consider multiple reviews, not just one. The key factor is that the overwhelming majority of reviews coming in are calling Lair a disappointment.
Written by incoming00 on 2007/08/02

@urdnot, i'll agree with you on the bias scores given by Play Magazine. you brought up good points, but at this point i still think its too early to determine a RULES/SUCKS label just yet on this game. for instance, both gamespot and ign praise Lair in the previews and hands on experience. yet they dont have a full review on the game yet. and i'm curious how early of a copy of Lair did Play Magazine, Gamepro, and EGM have when they reviewed Lair. seeing that magazines generally take 2 months from the set up planning to production, this would mean that all three magazines in question reviewed Lair at the latest would have been in June. 2 months later the magazines wouldve been out at the same time as the game for reviews. but this game just barely finished like 2 weeks ago, and now has been delayed.

what i'm trying to say is, we can put only so much trust in magazines because of how early they need to review the game in order to get the magazine review out in time for the games launch. in some cases, like this one, the game wont be finished. i think we should wait to see what IGN or Gamespot have to say... as i am VERY curious to see what they will say, seeing that they are currently praising the game...
Written by sicbud on 2007/08/02

I was actually pretty surprised by the build of the game I tried.. the game seems like it has a lot of potential and I can't wait to play it! This and heavenly sword will keep me busy until I get Ratchet and Clank!
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/03

Even though I prefer the 360, I am hoping Lair is a good game. I loved all of Factor Five's Nintendo games. All the rogue Squadron games were NICE!!!!! Hopefully this extra month gives them time to improve the game. I dont want the PS3 to fail or for it to have SH!TTY EXCLUSIVES. I just want Sony to be forced to drop the price on the PS3 to $399.00 or lower before Christmas 2008 so that when I buy one I wont feel like I got bent over and raped without lube. I just like to play videogames, I dont give a SH!T about Blue-Ray, or anything else the PS3 can do, I want a PS3 for things it cant do right now which seems to be 4D games!!!!! JK. Bring on the games already SONY!!!!!
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/04

@ Incoming00, I think you bring up excellent points. I agree with you. I usally trust Gamespot and and IGN quite a bit. I trust what 1up has to say, too. I have about a decade worth of EGM magazines that I am considering selling because I am running out of room. I have the original issue of Nintendo Power, too. I just don't have room for two decades worth of magazines from 11 different subscriptions. Seriously, I really DID have 11 different subscriptions at one time in the 90s.

The delay will not cause any changes with Lair, though. The delay of Lair is only related to things like Leaderboards, and things like that. It isn't related to anything with the graphics or gameplay.
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