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Killzone 2 PS3 Interview >
2007/09/07 14:50:10: Posted by DM
Kikizo met with Steven Ter Heide, the producer on Killzone 2 for the PS3, and Mathijs De Jonge, Game Director for Killzone 2. As you know, Sony is pinning a lot of hopes on Killzone 2, and if the videos are to be believed, the game is shaping up quite nicely. The interview is full of great info, and it is long -- 5 pages. Check it out.

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Killzone 2

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/09/07

If Sony were to change the name of Killzone 2 to ANYTHING ELSE...and change just ONE element of gameplay so that it technically becomes a different game, then they would be in much better shape than they are now!!!

The reason for that is because as of right now, Killzone 2 is the sequel to Killzone 1...and Killzone 1 really did SUCK!!! All of those poor reviews from reliable sources PROVE that!!!

A game like that should NOT be given a sequel!!!

Seriously, it's like the song says, "But Kill-zone One, sucked bee-fore, so what makes you think we want it more."
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/09/07

Krogan Battle Master Unbiased Weenie's virginity confirmed.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/09/07

if people were to give up on things on their first try, the xbox360,MS, Bill gates. wouldn't be where its at right now.
Written by Hand Banana on 2007/09/07

Why must you tarnish every positive article regarding Sony by spewing your redundant and logically flawed rhetoric?

No one cares about Killzone 1 anymore, and everything I have recently read about Killzone 2 has put forth nothing but praise. We wont know how great or poor this will turn out until we are closer to launch. Until then, there is no reason to annoy those who are looking forward to hear more about a potentially amazing title.

In regards to the article: I hope this game lives up to its hype. I am excited, and patiently waiting, for the PS3 to take off and reveal to the public what it is truly capable of. (For better, or worse.)
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/09/07

if this games lives up to the hype, then I'm getting a PS3 ... off ebay.
Written by incoming00 on 2007/09/07

its funny how you keep saying the same thing over and over again. come up with something different urdnot. and you above all should know that sales determine a sequal, not scores. which explains why there are a million Dynasty Warrior games. and it also explains why there is no Psi-Ops sequel. a game that got great reviews, yet sold poorly, hence no sequel. Killzone is in the same shoes, where it has sold millions many times over(according to Guerrila). therefore, sequel...

and stop talking like if your speaking for everyone...
Written by madgunde on 2007/09/07

KillZone is an awesome name. Nobody cares about a game that came out years ago that shares the name. Also, the game universe that the KillZone games are bases around is awesome.

No amount of crapping on Sony or this game by you Krogan is going to make it any less awesome. It just makes you look petty. Of course, everything you post makes you look petty. If anything is in need of a change, I'd say it's you, and your underpants.
Written by poprocker on 2007/09/07

what really killed killzone 1 was the laughable multiplayer. lets hope they get it right this time. This game has great potential and the single player i'm sure will be solid.
Written by zwandaba on 2007/09/07

Its never good to compare sequels to their originals.

Just because a game was shit does mean its sequel will be.

You'll never know, that piece of shit might decompose, and a beautiful flower will blossom from it.

Till then, from all the videos watched of Killzone 2 the game looks crap.

1. The gameplay is too slow. Like you're a Big Daddy from Bioshock.

2. The enemy AI, they just look like retarded blind men with water guns.

3. It is nothing like the 2005 trailer. Not graphics but atmosphere. Where's the dude shouting kill the mother or people falling down from ass cramps. Instead you stand shoot at retards like a retard. WTF.

Till they show BETTER gameplay, this developer can put his words back up his ass.

Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/09/07

Yawn... Whats that another FPS. ZZZZZZZZZZZ I do hope that Killzone 2 comes even close to Sony's hype. Because my shiny new PS3 is collecting some serious dust... The one game I own cant seems to gets its act together. Warhawk would be great... On Xbox Live. PSN SUCKS MY A$$!!!!! Cant get into a game, random disconnects, broken stat tracking, R U F*CKING serious??? Is this BULLSH!T the next gen experience that Sony said wouldnt start till they said so??? Is this the only true HD experience. Memo to Sony: Spit shinned graphics. and FMV do not make games. A$$HOLES, Wait Beyond!!!!!
Written by arthur56k on 2007/09/08

thought it was a great interveiw, only that it had nothing new
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